The Mechanisms of Superpowers — A Conversation with Thao — Part 9

How do supernatural abilities work?

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Seeds of Consciousness
4 min readJul 29, 2021


Image by Julia Kaufmann from Pixabay

Question: Explain to me more about these energetic mechanisms that bring supernatural abilities.

Answer: This is the trend that explains the fall of man, what it means is that man was once an energetic being, he was not permanently dwelling in the physical body, so he had other higher forms of existence, we can say that he was an electromagnetic being. But because of the decline, the decline meaning these electromagnetic bodies became damaged, so then humans had to migrate into denser realities, The biological body is in a fast-paced environment compared to that of robotic mechanisms.

There are many diseases today, that eventually if humans do not improve their ways of living, the biological body will cease to exist. What do you think will happen then? Obviously replacing it with artificial mechanisms, the transhumanism, but however good it seems, it is something of denser vibrations compared to biological bodies, and it may reach a time that humans will not even remember that they were once biological beings, the information will be kept away from them.

Your ability to visualize and imagine is what is left of the part of you that was once a higher form of existence. And it is this part of you that once you develop it, you are becoming an energetic being, but it is not as simple as that, because, in these other realities, other beings are living there since humans have long gone. Compare with an abandoned city, these abandoned houses will have so much grass and wild animals crawling everywhere, and it might even be dangerous for a person to try to move back in such a place.

Therefore, for a single person trying to ascend back, the entities that are living there will see your energetic structures starting to accumulate, every being consumed energy, so once you accumulate, they will see it and consume it. But if you are led back by higher energetic entities, they will assist and protect you from interference.

So, you will find that most people with supernatural abilities, also have protection, they are protected by other entities so that no one can steal or damage these structures, or they are among a group of other energetic beings from other dimensions.

This might confuse people, because earlier we talked about other dimensions, that people exist, and that there are lands on slightly higher dimensions. The concept is rather daunting, but to keep it simple, is that in the physical reality, there are also different dimensions within this similar reality, not just past, and future, but also alternative realities and parallel realities, then you move into higher octaves.

I have explained about a person being connected to different dimensions, but within each dimension, there is an octave, once one octave is complete, then you jump into higher octaves, so in the mental realm, for example, there are seven octaves, in the emotional realm, there are also seven octaves, and so is in the physical, and it is in this physical realm that these other dimensions exist, you can go there, and eat food, jump and dance and do the similar activities you do here.

How exactly do supernatural abilities work?

So, for energetic mechanisms, we are talking about a higher octave than the physical. And that most humans with these other superpowers possess mechanisms, other bodies, or deities that serve them.

A mind has certain limitations, where it can only perform so much before it becomes depleted with thought energy, what this means is that the thought is also energy, but the astral realm is not empty, it is full of other people ambient energies, so when you project a thought, it might even deplete before it can manifest anything, people who meditate regularly accumulate focused energy that can pierce through these ambient energies.

However, even with the mind of a meditator, it cannot perform a lot to simply become a supernatural ability. As it has been explained this realm is contaminated with massive amounts of astral entities that also require energy to replenish themselves. And the things that you create becomes consumed for you to achieve much of nothing.

This is where guardians and other religious deities assist a person into restoring their higher essence, they provide them with protection, but one must abide by their rules. And through this binding contract a person is given some abilities, they can be giving certain mechanisms, servitude or other bodies, where these bodies can affect the physical world on the sub-atomic level, a servitude can travel faster than the speed of light and bring information to its possessor where it can predict the future, find the missing items and so on. And this is how supernatural abilities to function.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Seeds of Consciousness

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.