The Tree of Life and Fruit of knowledge of Good and Evil — Part 4 — Journey Through the Tree of Consciousness.

Cosmic Egg, Harmonic Convergence, and the Grand Creation

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Seeds of Consciousness
3 min readMar 31, 2023


Cosmic egg and the tree of life — Muangakili.

Is this tree you are referring to the one written in the Bible as the tree of life?

There is a mixed up and misrepresentation of this central tree, as indeed when a sentient tunes inward to reach this tree of consciousness, they will remember who they are completely. Then the tree of knowledge of good and evil is, as we have explained, harmonic convergence. This is where good becomes evil and evil becomes good, because the inversion of creation happens during harmonic convergence.

At this point, a being can choose whether to ascend towards the Soul Star or descend into the Abyss the bottomless pit. And if one decides to descend then this is the famous Fall of man or fall of creation. This is because those at the inverted cosmic egg are below or outside the cosmic principles as they oppose Universal principles. As a creature violating the Creator’s laws, they move towards the bottomless pit.

Though this brings the famous connotation between righteousness and evil or righteousness versus wrong, it is not simple because as evil and malicious a creature might be, they are nevertheless part of Creation. The Term Grand Creation implies that regardless of the status of the sentient, either degenerate or righteous, saints or sinners, they are all part of this creation. Those that are considered demonic, or evil are also part of God. They are God, meaning they take part in this grand creation.

After descending to the bottomless pit, or the abyss, exit the cosmic egg. They are favored less than those above the ocean of mysteries. In contrast, those that align with this tree of creation are favored more along the tree of creation. Thus, suffering is the result of misalignment with cosmic principles or universal laws. The tale of death that comes after eating the fruit of knowledge of good and evil is that as a creature explores the principles beyond their creation, they lose their essence and original nature as they venture beyond it. Thus, humans are venturing to the outer regions of this cosmic egg filled with suffering and inability to recall their origins.

Some sentients intentionally descend to the abyss for venturing into a different system. Those that ascend toward the Soul Star become part of this grand creation. This is classical free will, implying that any sentient has free will, and can decide, knowing there are consequences. And that humans were created and imbued with the ability to choose. They chose the seeds of consciousness of the inverted tree of life which led to the fall of humans and its dramas. Knowing that all these sufferings and inconsistencies in the natural world are exactly the product of this inversion of what is right and wrong. As one ascends along the tree of consciousness from this shadowy reality, they will reach a benchmark where a reality will invert and become actual reality. This is no longer a shadow or reflection of a grand reality.

The fact here is that this cosmic egg as we have explained is what one might call The God Particle as it is the ultimate creator of all realities, as it is infinitely large and infinitely small, and it can appear on many levels and states with a fractal pattern. This is the cocoon of all life, whether it’s heavenly, earthly, or in the abyss. In interdimensional, we see things differently from various perspectives, personalities, realities and all else. However, essentially it is this God, Grand Creation, Ultimate Cosmic Law, God Consciousness manifesting on different personalities and levels.

Thus, at the center of the cosmic egg is a moment, location, and part one reaches the end of their journey and thus they are home.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Seeds of Consciousness

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.