Unveiling Mysteries of Gobekli Tepe — Introduction

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Seeds of Consciousness
2 min readMar 29, 2021


A couple of days ago, I hit a roadblock trying to investigate the Kingdom of Tartaria. I had honestly tried to dive into the source trying to obtain some information, but it was not coming through.

Then a few days ago, I decided to go hard on it. With channeling and remote viewing, it’s hard to control what comes out of it sometimes, as it seems to have its own mind, well I think it’s because everything in the Universe has intelligence.

But anyways, instead of getting information about Tartaria, some info about Gobekli Tepe, started to stream through, I went effortlessly writing every single piece of info that came along.

So here is the summary of what I found out:

Gobekli Tepe, was not a civilization as many people think, but it was a camp.

Different ethnic groups gathered on Gobekli Tepe as refugees, because their homes were destroyed by natural disasters.

The real mystery about this site is not the site itself, but the people who rescued and assisted the survivors to rebuild.

Gobekli Tepe’s inhabitants didn’t build what we see now in the beginning, they build it later on, after resurfacing from underground.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Seeds of Consciousness

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.