What To Expect — A Summary of The Contents

Brief Overview of Seeds of Consciousness

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Seeds of Consciousness
5 min readAug 23, 2021


As I have said earlier on most of my other channels, I discovered that I can remote view and channel information from broad perspectives, when I was writing the first book Seeds of Consciousness. In the book, I encounter characters who just appeared to be knowledgeable and wiser than a mere fictional character. I then did an experiment of asking them questions and have simple dialogues, to realize there is more to this than just imagination. And that is how this information is obtained.

A personal note: it should not matter whether you believe in the information or not, because the title is seeds of consciousness, so the information is more like a whisper, a suggestion on which, whenever you entertain the ideas and explore these ideas you will discover its validity. So it is not necessarily know-how, or how-to information, but rather a ‘what-if’.

I am also a scholar like all of you, After a session, I read and digest the information like everybody else, letting it sink down into my conscious to bear fruits. I am able to ask them questions and get answers, So if you have any particular questions, or you need clarity don’t hesitate to contact me.

Summary of topics.

It has been over a year now since I started channeling new material and conversing with a variety of beings, so I can give you a summary of what you should expect from this material.

The majority of the topics here are about the nature of human consciousness, and how it operates, ways you can enhance it for personal development, and ascension in general. In that then there are subtopics about the history of humanity, what is the real origin of humanity,

Because my Earth heritage is African, I took the liberty to find out, about our origin, and most of the historical insights that we don’t have any recollection of, as I have searched for any channeled material about ancient Africa, but it was hard to find.

And I have also figured the first three initial contacts are guardians of African people. It is wise to find out about my own personal origins first before I dive into the whole world. I believe healing myself first is the key to heal others. However I have come to realize this is no just about African people, but it is for the entire world, so this should not intimidate you or make you feel out of place if you are not African.

Science and technology; but the concept of technology and development has been pushed out of the envelope as you will see.

Besides that, I also communicate with a variety of beings including historical figures and societies that we don’t know much about. Whatever picks up my interest I initiate contact.

I have had some information about diets, different meditation techniques, and sustainable living, that is coming through. So I believe there is something for everybody.

Summary of the contents:

Origin of man:

In order to understand this clearly, there are a couple of postulates that have tried to explain the origin of man, the first one being created, then evolution, then there is the theory of de-evolution and descending or fall of man.

So far all the information I have received tends to point out that man descended from a higher form of existence to where we are right now, however it is more complicated than a simple statement like this, because the term human or man, is broad, and what the information is targeting is the consciousness of man, not necessarily the physical body. And it is this consciousness that we are talking about. As for the biological body, it is another story. And not all residents of this biological body are of the same origin.

Who is a human being?

As presented here, human beings are something more than just their physical appearance, and that they also exist in other realities at the same time, and this material points out ways and how anyone can connect to these other realities to find out for themselves.

Nature of reality:

All the information here explains that reality is the product of consciousness, that what we experience outside is simply what has been introduced to our consciousness first for us to experience it in the physical, however, we still use the law of mass consciousness, that we have to enter other consciousness to experience what we are experiencing, and the common rules are what detects what we experience as reality.

And that even source of reality, is something relative to the observer which is the consciousness, but this should not be misunderstood, because there is an interaction of different consciousness that merge to create a single reality.

What about nature?;

Nature, as explained here, is something very ancient, though a product of consciousness, it is now as we see it a remnant of a broken mechanism, it is also a technology and a manifestation of higher forms of energies. It was reconstructed after the end of the Ancient Ones, the Titans, so as viewed nature is not at its original state but a patched up construct.

What about God;

Nothing has been explaining clearly about God, However for example the one explained in the bible old testament is a deity, not the Prime Creator, As of now, nothing has been explaining much either about This Prime creator besides that it is something that is within all and it is all.

The flower of life;

This pattern seems to be the cornerstone of the structure of consciousness and reality itself, however, unlike how many people understand the flower of life, the one represented here seemed to be more complex with extra dimensions and movement into it.

The Ultimate Truth:

So far most of the information tends to explain that the ultimate truth is relative, as there as many different realities and observers. And therefore for things like being evil are also based on who is doing in and where. But it should be clear that this does not mean there isn’t such thing as truth or wrongdoing, it just means that as you move out of different spheres of realities you find out that those principles don’t apply in other realms any longer.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Seeds of Consciousness

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.