Seedstars Academy
Published in
1 min readApr 25, 2016


Being an Entrepreneur !!

Some people are lucky enough to live in golden ages where prosperity is as plentiful as rain, and good fortune as natural as the seasons.

Us? Our world is troubled, fractured, being broken. So, too, now are our weary hearts.

The specific financial motivations often differ by age: Twenty-somethings who find themselves underpaid, unemployed, or underemployed tend to want a side gig that allows them to take full advantage of their education and potential.

Thirty- and 40-somethings facing stagnant wages want to give their incomes a boost, especially as their household and family responsibilities grow. 40- and 50-somethings who’ve seen their own incomes and assets fall over the last decade want to rebuild their finances before retirement, and 60-somethings are frequently focused on funding their golden years amid rising costs.

Everybody wants something better. If you can hunt you can eat

Sensing life

I know the smell of happiness

It smells of coffee, fresh made bread, and tea

I know the sound of joy

It sounds like baby song, leaves tinkling in trees

And the laughter of those I love

The days ahead seem tough!!

@seedstarsacademy here we are

