3 min readApr 30, 2016

“IT WON’T BE” (the mind of a winner) -Bob Perks

“When you look at people who don’t go to school and make their way in the world, those are exceptional human beings. And we should do everything we can to find those people,” Bock said. “Humans are by nature creative beings, but not by nature logical, structured-thinking beings. Those are skills you have to learn,” Bock finished.

Analytical training gives you a skill set that differentiates you from most people and sharpens your logical thinking which goes way beyond programming or writing codes.

If you fail, it won’t be because you didn’t try. The real journey to success is lined with failure.

If you lose it won’t be because you didn’t want to win. The mind of a winner is already thinking about the next challenge.

If you fall down it won’t be because you weren’t standing tall and sure footed. The important thing is always get back up and adjust your stance.

If you don’t finish first in the race it won’t be because you didn’t run fast enough. It means that someone ran faster than you this time!

If you weep because you lost someone you loved dearly, it won’t be because you lost faith in God. The more you love the more you feel the pain of loss. Having wept, means having loved so deeply and your faith is strong.

If you stop and change direction, it won’t be because you didn’t know where you were going. It is because, like a ship on the ocean, one must always adjust sails to avoid the storms. The voyage may be longer but the destination will be the same.

If you are proud of yourself it won’t be because you are egotistical and self centered. It means that you have chosen to live by higher standards than many.

You see my friend, it won’t be easy, but it will be worth it at the end.

If Hollywood for instance wants to portray an entrepreneur in a movie, then he — and it’s usually a he — is in his 20s, may or may not have a college degree, is probably wearing blue jeans and a hoodie, and is a bit unkempt, with messy facials.

That stereotype may appeal to our interest in a narrative where geeks take over the world, but the Mark Zuckerberg kind of inspired vision is absolutely only a part of the entrepreneurship story. Many entrepreneurs don’t even think about launching their own business until they are in their 30s, 40s, and even 50s, after years of work experience.

Failure Is Part of the Game. Getting Back Up Is the Magic Sauce.

“Most young people with good ideas will find that 99 percent of people will give them every reason why their idea’s been done before or why it’s not a good idea or why they’re going to fall flat on their face,” Branson recently told Inc.’s president and editor in chief Eric Schurenberg during an exclusive sit-down interview. “In the end, you have to say, ‘SCREW IT. JUST DO IT!!’”

“Seedstars believes in you!”

*Views expressed in this article are not entirely the author’s*