Seedstars Academy
Published in
1 min readApr 18, 2016


Sometimes life is normal.

Sometimes she’s harsh and unforgiving. You hold on tightly & ride with it as would a bull rider.

But when she treats you real nice; when she spoils you with reckless abandon, make sure you milk it for all it is worth.

I’ve taken to undertake the journey to improve myself, there are lots of thing — learn the process, iterate on viable concepts, practice the theory…and learn more.

Erm have you not heard? No risk, no reward. We’d get there.

Uhm that was Mark Essien yeah!! Hello Mark, I wanna be like you when I grow up😄 #YouMatter #Becoming.

Hello @seedstars and @seedstarworld, Obinna signing in from Nigeria✌️

#WeAreBraveLikeThat #WeWouldFunctionHere

