The Seedstars Journey

Onah Jonah
Seedstars Academy
Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2016

Today at Seedstars Academy, I began a journey of a six (6) months entrepreneurship learning process. It was a great time. Entrepreneurship really is learning by doing. It doesn’t have that secret formula that you must follow to be successful else you fail. Failure is also part of the success story because you learn from the failure and bounce back. Over the years I have hinged on business plans as a key business survival tool, but today I learnt more about business models and how they can better position your business for greater success than the assumptions in your business plan.

Teaming up with Bassey was great as we were doing our own version of learning by doing. We worked on a lean canvas for the ‘Link Payment’ project and hopefully we are really going to achieve something great with this project.

Listening to Pierre-Alain and how he started at the early age of 20 got me more and more inspired. I have been dreaming a lot, it’s time to ‘do the dream’. There is nothing new under the face of the sun. If you spend a lot of time dreaming the idea without doing it, someone else might just come up with the same idea and even do it better than you.

It was also a privilege to meet Mark, Founder of One of the few things I learned from Mark’s session is that “if you don’t enjoy solving problems, then you should not be an entrepreneur”. Great stuff!!!

Today was a great starting point for me and I look forward to a more fruitful time with Seedstars Academy.

