Learning Space Booking System and Preliminary User Test Planning

Olga Wang
Published in
1 min readFeb 5, 2018

The competitive landscape analysis in phase 1 report
suggested that most existing products in the market have
shared disadvantages of being expensive and not appropriate
for tight spaces. The suggested design solution is
constructing a learning space booking system supported
by physical products (furniture) and a digital platform
allowing space-booking online. The furniture can be
transformable, so users will be able to set up the furniture
towards their actual needs and reduce waste of unused
space. The digital platform should enable checking for
available learning spaces on campus and booking the
1. The physical component of the design is a transformable
desk providing flexibility of the desk areas
being used depending on the user’s need.
2. The digital component of the design is a booking
platform allows students checking real-time information
of all learning spaces on campus and booking

The learning space booking system should provide
reservation services of learning spaces that achieve
effcient space allocation. In order to accomplish these
goals, a system consists of transformable furniture and
digital booking platform will be prototyped and tested
out. In the user testing, users are expected to be able to
book learning spaces using the app/website and recognize
their spots. The furniture is expected to be transformed
by the users to meet their needs intuitively.

