SEED #17: Video: SEED compensation model, Surveillance Capitalism

SEED Token
Published in
3 min readSep 28, 2018

In this week’s SEED newsletter:

How Do Developers Get Paid by SEED?

How are developers compensated by SEED?

How are developers compensated in the SEED app store for bots? We talk about this (and more) in this section of our explainer video.

The Rise of Surveillance Capitalism

Amazon, Google, and the Rise of Surveillance Capitalism

Mark Stephen Meadows explores the staggering amount of speech and affective data that companies like Amazon and Google are gathering about us as we interact with their powerful AI systems via conversational UIs, and how this amounts to another facet of surveillance capitalism.

Join Us in the Seed Developers Garden

Do you build conversational interfaces? Interested in shaping the Seed Token Project and chatbots on the blockchain? Please join us at and learn how you can get involved. We’d love to have you.

Interesting News and Links

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Artificial Intelligence Will Keep Our Loved Ones

Interactive simulations of real people are no longer the stuff of science fiction. Reason no. 238 why we need an open bot economy that puts humans first.

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Mark Stephen Meadows in Safety and Health

SEED Co-founder Mark Stephen Meadows in @SHPOnline “CUIs have many advantages over traditional, analogue communication as it can absorb, process, store and predict much faster and more efficiently than we, as humans, have traditionally.”


Can you make money selling your data?

Sam Harrison tries out services that remunerate people for their data with mixed results.

Until Next Time…

Thanks for your interest in SEED. If you have any specific questions about the project you can find us on Telegram, at, and you can always find us on the web at, on Discord, on Twitter, on Reddit and on Medium.

About the SEED Token Project

SEED is an open, independent, and decentralized marketplace for developers, publishers and users of conversational user interfaces (CUIs) or “bots”, that democratizes AI. The SEED platform provides development tools, intellectual property, and a tokenized network for delivering front-ends to AI technologies.



SEED Token

Designed explicitly to enable an open, global, trusted bot economy.