SEED #18: Innoveo Partnership, The Seed Token Blue Paper

SEED Token
Published in
3 min readOct 15, 2018

In this week’s SEED newsletter:

  • We announce our partnership with Innoveo, a Zurich-based company that provides SaaS to insurance companies
  • We release the Seed Blue Paper, an overview of how Seed Tokens will be used, tokeneconomics, fundraising and our technology roadmap
  • Links on foo foo and foo
  • Join SEED on Telegram

SEED Announces Partnership with Innoveo

We are excited to announce that SEED and Innoveo, a cloud-based SaaS for insurance companies, have entered into a strategic partnership to collaborate on the future of conversational interfaces.

Innoveo’s Chief Digital Officer, Oliver Gerstlauer, said, “Intelligent chatbots, AI and self-learning mechanisms in distribution as well as in the claims registration process will be able to give customers the expected dynamic and individual interaction rather than a ‘product’ and ‘terms and condition’ focused communication.”

Read all about it in this Q&A with Innoveo’s Chief Digital Officer, Oliver Gerstlauer.

The Seed Token Blue Paper

This week we published our Blue Paper — a paper that provides an overview of the following topics: the purpose of the Seed Token, tokeneconomics, fundraising, and our technology roadmap.

Want to learn more? Here are three ways:

Interesting News and Links

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Vox interviews Hannah Fry, who talks about her new book Hello World and the implication of “Being Human in the Age of Algorithms.”


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Viba Mohan’s one stop guide to designing for voice based interfaces.

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Will California’s New Bot Law Be More Than Just a Statement?

Frank Ready examines new bot law (behind paywall).

Until Next Time…

Thanks for your interest in SEED. If you have any specific questions about the project you can find us on Telegram, at, and you can always find us on the web at, on Discord, on Twitter, on Reddit and on Medium.

About the SEED Token Project

SEED is an open, independent, and decentralized marketplace for developers, publishers and users of conversational user interfaces (CUIs) or “bots”, that democratizes AI. The SEED platform provides development tools, intellectual property, and a tokenized network for delivering front-ends to AI technologies.



SEED Token

Designed explicitly to enable an open, global, trusted bot economy.