Enjoy Your Walk With Jesus

Chris R.
Seeing God in the Ordinary Things
3 min readNov 27, 2006
(courtesy of Lego)

We have a tradition at work of giving people a gift for their birthday. It can be something as simple as a book. Or if you own the company, something a little bit more significant. Like the 5195-piece Millennium Falcon Lego set.

This collector’s item is the biggest Lego ever made. It is thirty-three inches long and twenty-two inches wide! It even comes with minifigures of Han Solo, Chewbacca, and the rest of the Star Wars gang.

I’ve never met a grown-up more enthusiastic about Legos than Ty Webb. I should have suspected this when I saw the book shelf in his office. It contained more Legos than books!

A few weeks before his birthday the office manager passed a hat around asking everyone to chip in for Ty’s gift. We ordered the Millennium Falcon but learned that it would not be shipped until several months after Ty’s birthday. We had to improvise and give Ty a picture of the gift with a promissory note saying a man in brown UPS uniform would be ringing his doorbell in the not-so-distant future with a box containing the toy of his dreams.

Soon enough, Ty got his Millennium Falcon. He immediately realized how much 5195 pieces of Lego were. Luckily, the set came with a detailed manual of how to assemble Han Solo’s ship. He and his children started working on it right away.

I bumped into Ty this morning and asked him how his Lego project was going. He told me it was around 50% finished. This was surprising since he got the set more than a month ago. I wanted him to finish assembling it. I wanted to see what the “biggest Lego ever made” looked like.

I suddenly realized that Ty, in his wisdom, may be taking his time assembling the set. Isn’t this the most enjoyable part of owning a Lego anyway? Or better yet, isn’t building the set the point of owning a Lego?

This got me thinking about my walk with the Lord. If I were the bumper-sticker type of person, I would have one that said: “Lord give me patience and give it to me now!”

Being the goal-oriented person that I am, I oftentimes wish I was more mature, wiser or stronger. I imagine myself only being a pistol-wielding private in God’s army when I could be a major in charge of the Gatling gun.

During these times, the Lord leads me to imagine that my faith is like a plant that seems to take forever to grow but is growing nonetheless. Still I would then tell Him to use a spiritual version of Miracle-Gro if he could.

But he would then remind me that it matters little where I am in my walk with Him. What matters more is that I am walking with Him.



Chris R.
Seeing God in the Ordinary Things

Beloved child of God. Husband. Dad. Physician. A writer who can't stop talking about God's goodness.