A Reply to “The Immigration Ban is a Headfake, and We’re Falling For It”

The Independent Reformist
Seeing Through the B.S.
3 min readJan 31, 2017


For the record, I appreciate your analysis on what you see, or should I say “hope” to be happening with this immigration ban. I do not think that this is a head fake at all. It think this is exactly what Trump wants to do.

Historically politicians have gotten their way by pushing it through Congress, or as Trump is doing, with executive orders. Both Presidents Obama and George W. Bush (43) have used the executive orders. The differences between them and President Trump is subterfuge and willingness to allow affected entities to weigh in on the effects of the proposed order.

Subterfuge is clearly not President Trumps style. If there is anything that you can say about Trump, it’s that he’s bombastic and in your face. Everything he does is over the top. He has stated that he wanted to implement a immigration ban since day #1. He said that he wanted to build a wall, he’s already on the way to doing that. He said that he wanted to kill the TPP, and for all intents and purposes, he’s done that too.

Despite the fact that I am no fan of our current President, he is already doing pretty much exactly what he said he would do… except for draining the swamp. That part doesn’t surprise me. Regardless of what we think of the man, at some point you have to accept that he is, by in large the same guy we saw on the campaign trail.

Imagine you were in a bank robbery, and the thieves were armed. The lead thief says “I will shoot whoever doesn’t stay on the floor”. One person stands up, then without hesitation is shot. A second person stands up and is shot. How many more people would it take to be shot before you realize that the robbers mean exactly what they say? Many would have caught on after the first person was shot.

As far as the media coverage, they have been ambulance chasers for all intents and purposes. This is nothing new. They cover what brings in eyeballs, which in turn makes them profits. He’s a ringmaster at the circus, and he knows that people and the media love a good show. Hence why Trump had more free TV coverage than all other candidates on both sides combined. All of which I reference here:


As much as any of us would like to think it could be some other plot, there comes a point where you have to ignore wishful thinking and see what’s staring you right in the face. This is a arrogant and wealthy man who wields power like a club, and now has all of the power in the executive branch to implement his world view. At some point you have to take what he says seriously. In my opinion, the mistake would be not doing so.



The Independent Reformist
Seeing Through the B.S.

Independent political perspective from a working class American. No B.S.