Donny Tiny-Hands, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying about the Climate, Jobs and Justice and Love the Bombing

C.A. Matthews
Seeing Through the B.S.
4 min readMay 10, 2017

Donny Tiny-Hands, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying about the Climate, Jobs and Justice and Love the Bombing
by C. A. Matthews

It’s hard to know if the US is regressing toward a racist pre-WW II isolationist era or we’re heading to perfecting a mid-Cold War hysteria lately with the rhetoric coming out of Washington. Establishment party members blame Mr. Putin for somehow forcing Democratic Party officials to write inflammatory emails showing how they rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders. It seems anything and anyone is fair game to be made into a scapegoat so the DNC’s own incompetence and corruption are hidden.

The same goes for the other establishment corporatist faction — they blame Paul Ryan, criminal immigrants or welfare queens for whatever ills our society. When caught out in an outright lie or embarrassing situation, establishment politicos click their heels three times and shout, “Russia, Russia, Russia!”and the bought-off mainstream media pundits repeat the scapegoating propaganda until they’re blue in the face

The surreality in our world is growing, and what better way to deal with something that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever than to compare it to something similar which does make sense, such as the classic movie Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.

Spoiler Alert: This 1964 Stanley Kubrick film does not have a “happy ending” as such, but it is hysterically funny throughout. Worth watching if you haven’t seen it several dozen times and memorized the best lines already. Read the book if you have for a fresh take.

Once you’re immersed in the world of Bat Guano, Colonel Kong and Dr. Strangelove, the current Trump administration and its tactics makes absolute…

No, I take that back. They don’t really make sense when compared to their fictional counterparts. I’m grasping for straws here, but the wind has already blown them out of my hands. Sorry. Let me start again.

The Trump administration’s actions prove they doesn’t care about destroying our climate and environment as long as they and their rich donors make billions in profit. (Read more about how they’re dismantling the EPA so the public can’t learn about climate change and science.) This means we have to continue marching and speaking out on this issue. They don’t care about working Americans or the elderly without health care, a $15 minimum living wage, ending the school-to-private-for-profit-prison pipeline or protecting the refugees whose homelands we’ve just bombed back to the Stone Age. To put it simply, Trump and his disciples love themselves to the exclusion of all others, which makes several online memes where “Donny Tiny-Hands” is compared to Jesus even more disgusting and beyond ludicrous.

Some days you wish Dr. Strangelove and company were real people. At least the president in the movie cares about nuclear annihilation and what will happen to humanity. Sort of. He and the other leaders do as long as young, beautiful, nubile women (the rich,white old farts can easily grab) are involved.

Now, why does that grabbing bit sound eerily familiar?

Fortunately for us, there are others with integrity and sanity who can help us see our way out of this surreal mess. One such voice of sanity and morality is Bernie Sanders. Listen to him frequently and feel the surreality lessen.

Now is the time to buckle down and get serious about taking our country back from those who wish to do it (and really all of us) harm. Whether it’s a march, a rally or a friendly visit to your elected representatives’ local offices to speak to them on the issues important to you, do something this week. (Follow the example of these Nebraskans this past week protesting against the Keystone XL pipeline.) Stand up and be counted. Stand united and cry with one voice, “Our planet and our people are worth more than corporations’ endless profiteering! Corporations are not people!”

There’s no promise the surreal circus emceed by the Cheeto-in-Chief will end any time soon, but at least we can slow the merry-go-round down some and prevent Donny Tiny-Hands from riding a nuclear missile, like Slim Pickens doing his bronco buster impersonation in Dr. Strangelove. It would be beneath all our dignity if he did.

It’s up to We the People to restore our nation’s sense of morality and justice for all. It’s up to us to protect our climate and our world from further degradation for profit by a handful of billionaires. Encourage one another and build up the movement to take back our civil liberties. We don’t need tangerine tyrants to mislead us under the guise of leadership. We can lead ourselves. Power to the people.

C.A. Matthews writes and edits Our Revolution Continues blog at



C.A. Matthews
Seeing Through the B.S.

Freelance writer, published novelist, progressive activist, editor of The Revolution Continues blog