Bridging the Gender Gap at Camp SEEK 2019

SEEK blog
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2019

(Camp SEEK registrations have now closed)

Come along to Camp SEEK, where you can get an action-packed introduction to the creative and varied careers available in the tech industry!

Camp SEEK invites you to spend five days at SEEK HQ, where you can hear from inspirational women about their career journeys in tech, develop your coding, design and product practical skills, learn about real-world problem solving and put it all to use in a two-day Create-a-Thon project. Plus, you’ll get a chance to meet some great new friends!

Why Camp SEEK?

A diverse workforce brings innovation, through different perspectives, ideas and approaches. However, the tech industry is facing a shortage of female talent.As a leading tech company, we’re supporting diversity within the tech industry and our own talent pipeline, through initiatives like Camp SEEK.

Who can attend?

Camp SEEK is a free program that is open to girls and non-binary young people aged 14–16. Participants must be currently enrolled as a high school student.

When and where?

Students must be available to attend all (five) days from Sep 30 — Oct 4 (the second week of school holidays) at SEEK HQ, located at 541 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne, Victoria.


Applications have now closed. Head to Camp SEEK, for more information.

