Bridging the gender gap at Camp SEEK 2017

SEEK blog
Published in
2 min readAug 3, 2017

Camp SEEK was born out of a Hackathon idea a couple of years ago. At SEEK, we want to show you how creative and fascinating the world of tech can be and encourage you to stick with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects as you consider your future career. During your four days with us you’ll be taking part in some pretty awesome stuff like:

  • Hearing from inspirational women about their career journeys in tech
  • Developing some cool coding, user experience design and product development skills through dedicated and practical sessions
  • Learning how to approach problems and projects with an Agile methodology
  • Creating solutions to a real-world problem through a two day Create-a-Thon project
  • Understanding more about pathways into technology
  • Making new friends and enjoying daily lunch feasts

Who can take part?

Females aged between 14–16 years(or in Year 9 to 11) who are:

  • studying STEM subjects for their final years, or are in a position to do so AND
  • available for all four days of Camp SEEK in Melbourne, 25–28 September (that’s the 2nd week of the school holidays).

Want to be a Camp SEEKer?

If you are, or know a young achiever who is interested in learning about the ICT industry, check out Camp SEEK for more information.

