Building User Empathy Within Product Teams

Kayla J Heffernan
SEEK blog
Published in
4 min readNov 9, 2015


Empathy empowers us to be better designers — when we understand the user’s perspective, we make products that are better suited to them. At SEEK we have a variety of means to build empathy, with different levels of engagement. We…

  1. Embrace a research culture
  2. Welcome, and encourage, observation
  3. Socialise key findings
  4. Display user verbatim quotes
  5. Showcase highlight reels

Embrace a Research Culture

If you work at SEEK and don’t know that user research happens every week you’ve been hiding under a rock. Mimi Turner, our researcher, advertises and advocates research, along with the UX designers within their product teams. The research calendar is up to date, and colour coordinated, emails are sent inviting the core team and those interested in UX to the sessions, and the schedule for the day is posted on the observation room. When not busy doing research, Mimi has presented on UX Research at SEEK to build our research culture.

Welcome, and Encourage, Observation



Kayla J Heffernan
SEEK blog

Head of UX. Passionate about solving ambiguous problems with solutions that are accessible and inclusive. I write every couple of months about design.