Camp SEEK 2023

SEEK blog
Published in
3 min readJun 21, 2023

Camp SEEK is a free, four-day immersive learning program for Year 9 and 10 female and non-binary students. It will take place from September 25–28, 2023 (during the September school holidays).

Camp SEEK introduces students to a future career within a tech-focused business, and provides learning, mentorship and an introduction to the innovative business world through a practical, fun and collaborative four- day program.

Students will build skills in coding, product development and design thinking from accomplished SEEK leaders in various fields such as Engineering, Product, Design, Analytics, and Marketing, who will offer valuable support and expertise.

Register to attend one of our virtual information sessions

Click one of the options below which will take you to a Microsoft Forms page to register for a short interactive session that explains more about the program.

Who can apply?

Camp SEEK is open to all female and non-binary students currently enrolled in Year 9 or 10. The program is free and students from all schools are welcome.

Note students will be required to attend SEEK’s offices, located in Cremorne, Victoria, from 9am to 3pm each day and transportation needs to be arranged by the student/ family.

The important stuff

What’s involved in the program?

Students will work, learn and collaborate from the SEEK offices, and will take part in interactive learning modules, workshops and mentoring sessions from SEEK experts. They will have the opportunity to learn from experts in product, design, engineering, analytics, and marketing.

At the end of the program, students will apply their newly acquired skills to tackle a real-life problem as part of a team and will present their project to judges, mentors and parents/ guardians.

What do students need to attend?

  • A desire to learn.
  • Student’s own laptop and charger (if applicable).
  • Transport to and from the offices, located in Cremorne each day of the program (Near Richmond Station).

What’s provided?

  • Lunch and snacks are provided each day.
  • Laptops can be loaned to students for the program.

Key dates

Applications open 14th June, 2023. Apply today to secure your place.


Dates: Monday 25th September to Thursday 28th September, 2023

Times: 9am — 3pm daily.

Ready to apply?

Head to the application page, and fill in your details.

Want to get in touch?

Send us an email.

