Lightning Talks at SEEK About Agile Australia and the Last Conference

Dave Pryce
SEEK blog
Published in
1 min readJul 19, 2016

It has been a busy few months in Melbourne for the Lean / Agile community, with both Agile Australia and Last Conference happening only a week apart.

A lot of the Geeks at Seek had been to the conferences.

If you read my last post you will know I am passionate about learning and growing knowledge.

To encourage others at SEEK to share and get better at learing, It felt like a good opportunity to try out a Lightning talks session on all the things we had heard at the recent conferences.

Lightning Talks — Format

At the start, anyone who had something to share wrote it down on a post-it note.

Talks were scheduled into 10 minutes blocks.

Talks started (strictly keeping to the 10 minutes time frame).

Open space format. Attendees were free to come and go as required, based on the talks which interest them.

Topics Shared

1) Design Thinking
2) DevOps @ seek
3) Teams make war not only Love
4) Coaching Nightmares with Gordon Ramsay
5) Smashing the boundaries
6) The Monte Carlo method
7) Courage Kit



Dave Pryce
SEEK blog

Scrum Master, Consultant @elabor8 | Facilitator, Disrupter, Speaker, Scrum and Kanban Trainer. Passionate about Agile, science and the planet.