Understanding How the SUPR-Q Impacts the NPS

Kayla J Heffernan
SEEK blog
Published in
4 min readMar 28, 2018


The SUPR-Q (Standardized User Experience Percentile Rank Questionnaire) is an 8 item questionnaire developed by MeasuringU that is used to measure the quality of the user experience. What actually impacts the likelihood of a user to recommend?

At SEEK we’ve been experimenting with the SUPR-Q. We first ran it as part of a usability test in face to face research (n=5) to trial, and then went full scale using an on site Hotjar poll (n=1,811) to get a more representative sample for our first benchmark. The scores are expressed as percentiles which gives us an indication of how we compare to other websites on these facets.

What does the SUPR-Q ask?

7 of the questions use a 5-point Likert scale, with the 8th question being the standard 11-point NPS. The SUPR-Q measures quality (similar to satisfaction), as well as measures of usability, credibility, loyalty and appearance. These 4 aspects all impact the user experience of a product:


  • This website is easy to use.
  • It is easy to navigate within the website.

Credibility: (Trust, Value & Comfort)

  • The information on the website is credible.
  • The information on the website is trustworthy.



Kayla J Heffernan
SEEK blog

Head of UX. Passionate about solving ambiguous problems with solutions that are accessible and inclusive. I write every couple of months about design.