Fear of unknown

Published in
1 min readOct 1, 2020
Courtesy: https://www.futurity.org/rewriting-memories-to-erase-fear/

There isn’t one person who does not think twice before diving into unfamiliar waters. Fear of unknown is always active in the back of our mind and waiting for a weak moment to achieve magnitude. As soon as we hit a small setback in the comfort zone or stability of life, the fear occupies heart and spreads its wings like a dragon. It pours down a fire of negative thoughts and worst case scenarios and attempts to dissuade us from any risks we are about indulge in.

The fear to leave the sanctuary is as dreadful as a dream of falling into deep dark pit. It leaves one scared, fret and panic when one wakes up and he wishes he never had even thought about it in the first place. The question of “What if” is the origin of all resistance to the change. One who induces this change — could be our mind — receives an immense thrashing from all over. If one can survive this battle, he has won the war of his life.




Hindu Priest. Expositor of History and Vedic Philosophy. Cloud Architect. 5 patented innovations. Fitness lover. Lives in Melbourne. seekorbelieve@gmail.com