What do you expect from life?

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3 min readJul 15, 2021

The typical question any spiritual leader would ask you is why are you here, where do you wanna go, do you know what do you want to achieve. After reading this post, you should be able to answer affirmatively to these questions.

You were born to your current parents in the current country and community with a given financial and social state for a reason. It was result of your past deeds. Similarly events that may occur in your life which are out of your control and which you may call as destiny are also results of past deeds. But none of these things are in your control. So why bother and be unhappy with it!

What takes you to the next level in the spiritual evolution process is what you make out of this given situation. Have you been a positive person and attempted to make some progress in the right direction

If you are born to parents who are religious, you are already getting a head start in pursuing your growth. Are you using this optimally to rise further or are you growing into a negative person, mocking your parents’ faith and not having your own as an alternative either?

If you are born to a rich family, are you using the money to grow yourself further and do something good for the society, poor and worthy people or are you wasting that money on addictions and luxury of your own causing harm to yourself and people around you?

You cannot control what situation you are put into but you can certainly control your viewpoint to look at it and find a solution. This solution and viewpoint become your deeds or karma of this life and be with you until death and beyond.

If they are in a positive direction or called as sadgati, then you will be born to even better parents that will give you a better head start in right direction. Failing to do this, you are put into the genres of animals, trees, or born in a little worse situation that you were in this life.

So what do you want to achieve in life?

I want to take at least one step further in my spiritual journey from where I was born.

The aim is to get the sadgati or right/upward direction. we do want to go into the next standard of this school or next floor of the elevator whatever you may call it. Here is something that helps accelerate this process

  1. Find a good teacher. A good teacher is very important in every field — spiritual, physical, financial, ethical fronts. He/She can turn you around from taking wrong decisions and put you no the right path. Guru (teacher) is most essential and revered factor in spiritual growth in any religion.
  2. Be positive. Even the bad thoughts, hatred in mind and anger are considered as sins in Hindu philosophy
  3. Judge yourself on every occasion and think about what you could have done differently
  4. Faith — Put your faith into something and realize that all forms of worships lead to the same ultimate truth of Brahman.




Hindu Priest. Expositor of History and Vedic Philosophy. Cloud Architect. 5 patented innovations. Fitness lover. Lives in Melbourne. seekorbelieve@gmail.com