For Chris

Veronica L. Marelli
2 min readFeb 17, 2014


In the name of Jesus, we come before you to ask for divine guidance, renewal of spirit and peace for Chris. Jesus, you know exactly how Chris feels. We humans will go through these dark nights of the soul. But, Jesus, we also know that because you overcame these dark times, we can overcome these times as well.
Jesus, Chris needs a job to fit the talents you have given him. He needs an outlet for his creativity and provide for all needs. Lord Jesus move mightily and powerfully in Chris’s life. Make Chris a light in this dark world. Jesus renew Chris’s first love for YOU. Remind Chris that with YOU all things are possible to them that love Jesus.
Jesus, give Chris guidance. We understand how sometimes the answer is wait, sometimes stop and sometimes go. Please Jesus make your direction plainly known to Chris.
Above all Jesus, remind Chris that YOU are everything. Help Chris to learn to stand on your promises — that Chris is a child of the Most High God — that Chris is an overcomer — that Chris is blessed with all blessing from the Father of Lights — that Chris is more than a conqueror — that Chris can trust in you to lead and direct — and mostly that YOU will never leave nor forsake Chris.
Lord, place people in Chris’s life that can uplift and encourage. That will be a shoulder to cry on, but also an iron to sharpen iron. Use people in Chris’s life for Your glory. Give Chris renewed passion and plan for career, ministry, and future.
Lord if it be Your will for Chris to have a mate in this life, bring that person at the right time. Jesus, we pray that Chris’s mate be a strong Christian, rooted and grounded in the faith, having a strong living, breathing relationship with You. Strong in character, rooted in faith, and light to Chris and the world.
Lord, remove any people or circumstances which hinder Chris from living out and experiencing the full life You planned for Chris. Above all Father and Lord Jesus remind Chris of the insurmountable depth of your love for Chris and this world. Remind Chris to see that love in the gentleness of the breeze, the flowers and trees, or the care and concern of fellow believers. Please Lord tell Chris of our love as well and give us the opportunity to serve Chris.
These things we pray humbly in the matchless name of Jesus.



Veronica L. Marelli

EA, Tax Resolution Specialist, Resolves all personal Tax Problems, Solves Business and payroll issues, Founder and President of Tax Resolution Advocates Inc.