Design Thinking 101 — What Is It? (Part I of II)

Kayla J Heffernan
SEEK blog
Published in
3 min readMay 1, 2017


At SEEK, in preparation for our upcoming 8th Hackathon, we introduced Upskill lunch sessions. These were run by SEEKers to teach fellow SEEKers new skills that would assist them in their hacking endeavours. We kicked off these sessions with a 2-part Design Thinking workshop to more broadly share Design Thinking with the rest of SEEK and promote taking a customer-centric approach in everything we do.

We had 60 attendees who:

  • Learned basic Design Thinking principles and techniques
  • Watched videos of real SEEK customers (candidates and hirers) using our products (to build empathy)
  • Performed practical exercises with a variety of Design Thinking tools to explore creative and innovative ways to solve their problems and delight them
  • Generated some awesome ideas for Hack 8 — the 60 attendees generated more than 400 ideas to address real user pain points in 10 minutes!
Teams coming up with ideas!

So what is Design Thinking?

Design thinking is an approach taken by some of the most innovative & successful organisations in the world, including SEEK.

The ideal product sits in the sweet spot at the intersection of desirability, feasibility and viability.

  • Desirability — Does it solve…



Kayla J Heffernan
SEEK blog

Head of UX. Passionate about solving ambiguous problems with solutions that are accessible and inclusive. I write every couple of months about design.