Mission Board Update — December 2022

Check in on our progress and the latest developments.

Anabela Rea
2 min readDec 13, 2022


Hello The Found…

You’ll be pleased to know that the Mission Board has been updated!

You may remember that back in October, we released the Mission Board as a tool to keep our community better informed, and we’re pleased with how this tool been accomplishing that so far. We hope you’re pleased with it too.

If this is your first time viewing the board, in there you’ll find a spread of tasks that our team are currently working on and an idea of where they sit in the delivery pipeline.

Our goal is to give you as high level of insight into what we’re developing as possible (without violating any NDA’s!) and pass on the same enthusiasm that we have for the future developments of Sylo and The Seekers.

Here’s a breakdown of the different stages used in our Mission Board and what they mean…

In Discovery:

Future projects, features and products that we are actively exploring.

In Progress:

Things that are happening and development is underway!

In Review:

These are things that we’re trying to break, so that we can fix them before they come to you. This category also holds items awaiting sign off from partner projects and auditing teams, or items that rely on external partners to build their bit before release.


Development is finished. These items may be already deployed or leaked, or awaiting the right time to be released.

Thanks for tuning in and we look forward to giving you more updates soon…

Stay loyal.



Anabela Rea

High Priestess of Lore / Head of Content & PR at the Seekers & Sylo