The Seekers First Birthday!

Will Jordan


Today marks one year since the Seekers mint and almost two since the Sylo team started the journey to gamify Web3 communications infrastructure. We want to express our immense gratitude to the community, team, our trusted metaverse partners and all those who have extended their support and become our frens throughout the last year. It has been a whirlwind since mint day as we worked tirelessly towards achieving our year one goals.

Let’s take a look at some of the highlights of the past year…

Mint day

The minting of the Seekers was a remarkable achievement and showed the true strength of our community, The Found. The team ventured into uncharted territory by implementing a novel supply mechanism we coined ‘CDS’ (Community Determined Supply) where Seeker numbers were dictated solely by the community. The minting process went live and 47,895 Seekers sold out within a mere 77 minutes.

The Great Return

The Seeker reveal process aimed to give each and every Seeker its moment in the sun. As the placeholder Beacons transformed into the Seekers they were calling, the true uniqueness of the collection was revealed. As they returned from the outer reaches of the most far-flung corners of distant digital worlds, the Seekers arrived in their ragtag groups associated with their rarity showing off 546 unique traits. Standard, Rare, Mythic and then Ultra Seekers returned to their beacons paving the way for the OverSeekers to make their arrival.

Last but not least, came the reveal of the Dark Seeker, the rarest and most enigmatic of all. His reveal left the community in both awe and trepidation about what was to come down the path…

Seekers join The Underground

Earlier in the year we moved homes and joined our Fluf World friends in The Underground. This provided the opportunity to interact with the collection in new ways. Through downloading your Seekers files, we enabled The Found to explore how their Seekers were built, get under the hood to learn about the collection’s procedural textures and parts and through a series of workshops with our 3D team, taught you how to animate your Seekers to bring them into your world. The 3D update also future-proofed our promise of Seekers as playable characters in the metaverse.

Mission Board

Though we’ve had our heads in BUIDL mode for the last year, we also have taken the time to review what kinds of systems are best for communicating what work is on the go. To achieve this we launched the Mission Board showing a spread of tasks that our team are currently working on and an idea of where in the pipeline they are. We hope this has given you a little more of the insight that you’ve been asking for and instills in you all the same levels of excitement that we have for the future developments of Sylo and The Seekers!! This will be an ongoing feature with updates coming each quarter or as and when we achieve a notable milestone!

Did someone say GOBLINS?!

In March of this year, The Dark Seeker betrayed The Found, helping the Goblins to track, trap and destroy a number of Seekers. What did this mean for the collection as a whole? Over a two-week window, Seeker holders with Void backgrounds were given the opportunity to pledge their seekers to the Goblin Queen for the promise of a Gods & Goblins genesis asset. While The Found toyed with the morality of burning their Seekers we stood strong with the resistance ensuring that the project carries on and the metaverse communication network remains active. Through the pledge and sacrifice, 10,503 Seekers were burnt, never to be seen again, leaving us with a total collection of 37,392 possible nodes to uphold the network.


As we celebrate our first birthday, we can’t express enough how important & loved our community are. Your support and engagement are a big part of what makes this project so special. We’ve been blown away by your passion for Seekers, whether it’s creating fan art, attending events, engaging with us through competitions and the educational series we’ve put on for you or just spreading the importance of a truly open metaverse to others.

We loved meeting you at both SXSW in Texas and again in NFT NYC in New York as well as the larger ecosystem events across the globe. 2023 is going to be a big year and we can’t wait to continue on this journey with you by our side.

What’s coming up?

Showing off and delivering on Seeker utility is our goal for the Year of the Rabbit. As we continue to work closely with our key partners you can expect to see a bunch of new releases. The main release is of course the Seeker Dashboard — the central hub for interacting with your Seeker/s. Due to launch in a matter of months, initial functionality will be focused on connecting with your Seekers in a more immersive way, activation of your chosen Seeker as a node, and the ability to delegate stake toward a fellow Seeker’s node, for those who prefer to rally around friends.

Future releases will see the dashboard utility grow to incorporate a host of other features alluded to in our Mission Board.

What a year!

This is just a small snippet and doesn’t do justice to the huge amount of work our team has put in over the last 365 days. With so much going on in the ecosystem this week, we’ve decided to host a livestream in a week’s time to delve further into what’s coming up for the Seekers this year. (Time and date TBD)

On behalf of the entire team, we want you to know that we value your feedback and support, and we’re committed to working with you to shape the future of our project. So here’s to you, The Found, and to many more years of exciting Seeker adventures.

