Seeking Spirituality

About the Publication and Submission Details

Alexander Boswell
Seeking Spirituality
3 min readFeb 12, 2020


Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

Welcome to Seeking Spirituality!

The purpose of this publication is to explore the various aspects spirituality has to offer the world and each other. It is diverse and open to the vast array of different spiritual practices, religions, philosophies and ideologies out there.

There isn’t a focus on any particular faith or sect here, as I want to be able to showcase spirituality in all of its forms. Saying that, if you practice a specific religion or faith and want to share some insights about how you incorporate it into your daily life or perhaps you came across a compelling little-known spiritual ideology and you would like to share it, check out the submission guidelines below.

Want to write for Seeking spirituality?

Spirituality can be a bit of a touchy subject for some, but here I want to celebrate what seems to be losing its significance in the world. So what kind of writing is published here?

The piece should do the following things:

  • Provide insight into an aspect of spirituality, i.e. a practice, ideology or philosophy — preferably with personal experience, but it doesn’t have to be.
  • Inspire the reader who may be seeking spirituality to look deeper within themselves.
  • Spread loving kindness. There will not be any room for inciting hatred or personal biases against any particular faith or sect.

The stories that do well on Medium tend to provide some form of life lesson with firsthand experience of profound understanding in a way that the reader can relate to, though of course a spiritual foundation will be required here.

The Story Specifics

Naturally, being a Medium publication, your story will have to abide by Medium’s curation guidelines and rules as that sets us up for a good time.

It is also essential that the piece is an unpublished draft. While you should edit and proofread your articles (I would highly recommend Grammarly but don’t take it as gospel, use your common sense too), this will allow for a final proofread before scheduling the story. Note that I will never change the content of the story, only potentially fix sentence structure or grammar.

Members-only articles are preferred. This allows the story to be considered for curation, which helps the page get more views. In turn, it also enables you to get paid for your work, so please do consider joining the Medium Partner Program.

There are also a few other required tidbits for a story to be considered:

  • Try not to use too many images — less is more here, but pictures that are used need to be appropriately credited. This has never been easier to do, so please make sure artists are credited for their work.
  • Please only submit a story once, if your story doesn’t receive a private note within five business days, it wasn’t a good fit for the publication.
  • Tag your story appropriately; use either Spirituality, Philosophy, Spiritual Practice or Religion as your first tag depending on where you would like the story to appear. This makes it easier to place within the publication as well as for Medium curation purposes.

Apply to be a Contributor

So you’ve got a great story to share? The next step is to apply to be a writer for the publication (this form includes a box for your first draft submission link). If you’ve already been accepted as a writer, you can follow the submission how-to here. If not, please fill in the form below or click here to be considered:

Please note that your email is used only to potentially add you as a writer or for any comments about your first submission, not for any crazy marketing purposes.

That’s it! If you have any questions that haven’t been answered on this page, you can reach out via email at

Thanks for reading!



Alexander Boswell
Seeking Spirituality

Founder of SaaSOCIATE, a content marketing agency or MarTech, AdTech, and eCommerce SaaS businesses | Business PhD Candidate | He/Him |