The 6 Most Influential Books

(According To Seeking Wisdom)

Dave Gerhardt
Seeking Wisdom (by Drift)


David Cancel and I talk about books frequently on our podcast Seeking Wisdom.

But we haven’t given book recommendations in a while, so I thought I would put him on the spot.

We each shared the three books that have had the biggest impact and influence on our careers so far (based on this moment in time).

David’s Books

Walden — Henry David Thoreau (1:40)

Seeking Wisdom: From Darwin To Munger — Peter Bevelin (5:00)

Bold — Peter Diamandis (8:30)

Dave’s Books

Steve Jobs — Walter Isaacson (3:00)

Managing Oneself — Peter Drucker (6:40)

Ogilvy on Advertising — David Ogilvy (10:00)

Which books have had the biggest impact on your career?

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That’s me, Dave.

I lead marketing at Drift.

My email is and I’m davegerhardt on Twitter.

Say hey. I’ll try to respond :)

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