This Is How We Generate Qualified Leads on the Drift Blog

Erik Devaney
Seeking Wisdom (by Drift)
7 min readDec 7, 2017


Most of today’s best practices around lead generation inevitably end up focusing on the same thing:

Optimizing your lead capture forms, as well as the calls-to-action (CTAs) that point to them.

For a lot of marketing teams, generating leads via the company blog means sending blog visitors to a landing page where they can download gated content.

That’s been the playbook for a decade.

But here’s why that playbook no longer works:

Today, 81% of tech buyers who come across gated content don’t fill out the form. So they often end up going elsewhere for that information.

Just imagine if I ended this blog post right here and said, “Alright, want to learn more? Go to this page and enter your name and email and phone number and company name and company size and we’ll let you download this PDF document.”

☝️ Would you actually do all that? Probably not. You’d probably end up going to another company’s blog for that information — potentially a competitor’s blog.

These days, the buyers have all the power. And that’s why we decided to build a new lead generation strategy for our blog. We needed to adapt to meet this new reality.



Erik Devaney
Seeking Wisdom (by Drift)

Full-time stay-at-home dad, part-time ghostwriter, retired pub musician, recovering marketer