Seeking Yield by Staked — Issue #5

Cosmos: One Giant Leap For Blockchain Interoperability, Staked In The Press, Bloqboard Jan & Feb 2019 Open Finance Report, BlockFi Announces BTC & ETH Deposit Account, Dharma Announces Dai Support, & Current Staking and Lending Yields

Seeking Yield
5 min readMar 9, 2019


This is the fifth issue of Seeking Yield, a weekly update about the most interesting things happening in crypto asset staking and lending.

Cosmos: One Giant Leap for Blockchain Interoperability

Blockchain interoperability is imminent, as the Cosmos Hub MainNet is expected to launch sometime next week.

The annual yield for staking ATOMs, the native cryptocurrency of the Cosmos Hub, is expected to be between 9% — 16%, depending on the stake rate of the ATOM supply.

The table below outlines the key facets of Cosmos’ token economics.

Staked earned 1 of 27 ‘never jailed’ designations in the Cosmos Game of Stakes for remaining in the set of ~ 185 validators the entire game and adapting to adversarial network conditions.

We have enough ATOMs committed for delegation to ensure a slot in the initial validator set of 100. We look forward to helping ATOM holders stake upon the launch of the Cosmos Hub MainNet.

Have questions about staking and your strategy? Find a time here.

Read the entire post here!

Staked In The Press

Bloqboard Jan & Feb 2019 Open Finance Report

Bloqboard has recently blessed the open finance community with another brilliant report that goes deep on where the action is really happening.

Below is an excellent breakdown of open finance activity in February.

With the recent launch of its highly anticipated Lever, Dharma saw a massive month over month increase in total borrows, collateral supplied, and number of borrows.

Month over month total borrows on Compound and dYdX significantly decreased, while only modestly decreasing on MakeDAO.

Regardless, the monthly number of borrows originated via open finance protocols has remained relatively unchanged over the past three months.

This report also highlights the much awaited release of MakerDAO’s MCD (Multi-Collateral DAI), Compound and dYdX protocol updates, and more.

Read the full report here!

BlockFi Announces BTC & ETH Deposit Account

BlockFi, a provider of crypto collateralized loans, announced a new deposit account that pays 6.2% on Bitcoin and Ethereum deposits.

Gemini, which recently announced digital asset insurance coverage, is providing custody of the deposit accounts. Interest is earned in the respective asset deposited.

Visit the BlockFi website to learn more.

Dharma Announces Dai Support

Dharma has recently announced support for Dai, allowing users to borrow and lend Dai via the Dharma Lever.

This is a big step for the open financial system, as Dharma will introduce Dai to many new users and generate liquidity for the crypto-collateralized stablecoin.

Why fight for crumbs, when we can grow the pie together and all enjoy a slice?

Dai is currently hovering around $90M in market capitalization and recently surpassed that of the Gemini Dollar.

CoinMarketCap reports 24 hour Dai volume of more than $32M, while less than $900,000 is reported by WorldCoinIndex. This is due to an outlier in exchange data.

We look forward to growing this nascent industry together!

Read the full post by Dharma here.

Current Staking Rewards

Sign up with Staked today and stake Decred (DCR), Tezos (XTZ), Dash (DASH), Livepeer (LPT), Loom Network (LOOM), Eos (EOS), and Factom (FCT).

Don’t see your favorite crypto asset? Cosmos, Algorand, and NuCypher are coming soon. We will keep you updated as we add support for new assets.

Sign up and follow the directions here for more about staking with us.

Current ETH Lending Yields

There are both on-chain and off-chain crypto asset lending solutions.

Below are various crypto asset lending solutions and annual ETH lending yields.

Sign up here to learn more about lending with Staked.

About Staked

Staked helps institutional investors reliably and securely compound their crypto by 5% — 100% annually through staking and lending. Staked runs validation nodes for proof-of-stake currencies and offers access to on- and off-chain lending options that provide an annualized yield of in-kind currency.

If you enjoy Seeking Yield or are a fan of what we are building at Staked, give us a shout on Twitter, LinkedIn, or tell your friends and colleagues.



Seeking Yield

Staked operates highly available and highly secure, institutional grade staking infrastructure for all of the leading proof-of-stake (PoS) protocols.