Published in
7 min readNov 28, 2018


11.20 Seele Community AMA

On Nov. 20th, an online AMA event was held in Seele’s international telegram group. Dr. Maolin Zheng, Dr. Wei Bi, and Wensi Liu joined the AMA and answered the questions that the investors were most concerned about.

1:Are there any dapps already decided to build on Seele platform? If so, which dapps?

In order to verify Seele’s developer tools, including RPC API, JS interface, development documentation and examples are complete, usable and easy to use, we borrowed and referenced several of the most popular games on ETH and EOS, independently developed a small game, Seele Dice.

Through this small game, we further improved and optimized the interface and documentation, and after summarizing the development practice, we are ready to launch the SDK for small game development.

We welcome DApp developers and teams to actively to talk to us, listen to their needs and ideas for development tools and interfaces, and what kind of DAPPs they want to develop, and hope to have some convenient features for these developments after our main-net goes online.

2:The project progress and update?

01:The development of Seele core functions are basically completed, including consensus algorithms, sharding and cross-shard transactions, heterogeneous forest networks and sub-chains, QVIC protocols, and EVM-compatible smart contract virtual machine.

02:For the main-net online, has completed two rounds of comprehensive functional, performance and security testing, the test environment is composed of one thousand cloud servers distributed in five places in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, North America and Western Europe, we will announce the key test indicators when the time is appropriate.

03: In terms of users and developer tools, we provide RPC API, client command line interface, Web JS interface, and Seele Wallet to facilitate the development of Seele-based DAPP. The contract editing and compilation tools and IDE are also under development. It is expected that functioning versions will be released in December.

04: Eco-tools, including the Seele Scan browser, the monitoring platform Seele Monitor is also fully developed and tested.

05: The dedicated SDK for small game development is also under intense development and testing, the first version is expected to be released in December.

06: Developer community building, currently had several technical exchanges and forums with many well-known DApps at home and abroad, attracting many Seele users and developers, and will continue to carry out more developer-oriented activities, such as the DApp Developer Contest is under intense preparation.

07:Other preparatory work for the main-net online including token mapping and mining pool construction is also in progress.

3:Any partnerships ready and waiting to use Seele platform once mainnet launches?

As an underlying public chain positioned as “for the industry”, Seele has been in close communication with variety of industries, including various companies and research institutions and scholars. At present Seele has achieve ecological arrangement in the fields of industrial Internet, medical care, supply chain and finance. Recently, Seele is also discussing deep cooperation with well-known service providers from the world’s leading blockchain security field. Once the cooperation started, it will undoubtedly strengthen the comprehensive security solution of Seele’s public chain.

4:What has happened to the neural network consensus algorithm?

Consensus algorithm is arguably considered to be the most important feature of the Blockchain technology. However, people say that scalability, security and decentralization can never be achieved at the same time (impossible triangle). One has to think out-of-the-box if we want to break the triangle.

Therefore, we proposed a very different and a new algorithm — Neural Network Consensus algorithm (NC). NC is a consensus algorithm that is highly efficient, secure and support large scale system without losing decentralization. NC is inspired by how the brain (neuron) works and originally proposed as a mathematical ordering tool which we then realized can also be used to order the transactions in a blockchain system.

We have finished the EDA yellow paper and it will be released around the New Year time.

Currently, we are working on the implementation of the EDA algorithm. As it is a new algorithm, we do encounter lots of challenges in the development process of EDA. We plan to release the test version in Q2 next year. Users, community members and developers are welcomed to use it and test it.

EDA will be applied to the healthcare project. The announcement and collaboration details of the healthcare project will be released very soon.

(In terms of our research) Apart from the EDA algorithm, we will also provide a few other consensus algorithms, including: pBFT, sPoW and PoG. sPoW and PoG are newly designed consensus algorithms and can be used for different scenarios. We are also working on other research topics, including: cryptography, network protocols, verification tools and so on. These new technology will greatly improve the use cases in the heterogeneous forest network and support varies applications. The research roadmap and it will be released soon.

5: Besides Huobi and CoinEx, Seele hasn’t been officially listed on other exchanges. Do you have plan on new listing?

We feel very sorry about the commitment we made about listing on certain exchanges in August, it was an aggressive and optimistic behavior. The truth is that we’ve already did research on many exchanges and in the progress of making contact with them right now, but we still want to be cautious about this under the current market condition. We will definitely need all your support when we’ve decide to get listed on some other exchanges. We’ve already filed application for Kucoin, Bibox, Binance, etc., and in the progress of applying for many other exchanges.

6: I personally think that Seele team didn’t care the investors so much, we wanted more information of the project and progress but got too little, is there any change that this situation will be changed?

In the open letter, I’ve mentioned the word “brand new action“, our community operation will be totally different from now on.

Intensive communication

1. Designate an official community, making communication more convenient and confident for all users.

2. Prevent financial losses caused by misleading information through unofficial channels.

3. Release information about Seele promptly to keep all users updated.

4. Volunteer recruitment program is underway to attract supporters globally with the same consensus to join us.

5. Collect all feedback from our community to improve the project.

Global community building is also in progress. We’ve communicated with communities in Vietnam, Russia and Korea with road shows in preparation. We hope to attract more community members globally through such effort. As a member of the Cross Straits Blockchain Alliance, we’ve held campus event in Taiwan University and have in-depth discussions with various parties from different industries about industry dock in.

7: What kind of industry do you plan to cooperate with in the next year, are there any preliminary discussions?

In fact, I have already announced these when I was in Korea’s Huobi Carnival conference. The Seele chain/technology stack will be used/applied to several industries, including healthcare, e-governance, energy industry etc. The China Industrial Internet project which is a multi-trillion US dollar project will be also be employing Seele as the fundamental chain. The link for China Industry Internet

We have several projects from China. These projects are mostly large projects and they employ Seele technology. These applications will be built upon Seele sub chains (sub forest) using different customized features, such as consensus algorithms and cryptography technology. And these sub chains are mostly consortium chains in the Seele forest network.

8: Could you explain the cooperation with Professor Jiaming Zhu? What will this gentleman bring to the project?

Prof. Zhu will host the Global Blockchain and Mathematics Conference in Beijing, and he has invited me to be the conference adviser. We will cooperate on the deep economy model of blockchain with his research institute.

9: As we know, the competition on the ICO market is very large and the creators promised a lot and they gave not much. Are all the assumptions and “promises” in White Paper still valid and will your blockchain 4.0 be better and faster than the previous ones like EOS, WANchain, ETHereum, Bitcoin, Cosmos?

As for final delivery of the product compared to the whitepaper: the answer is we have done and will provide most of the features. However, there are indeed some challenges and changes. On the one hand, some challenges are difficult and we are working on it. On the other hand, we are providing many more important features than the whitepaper. As I mentioned in question 4, we are going to apply the varies new technologies (such as Consensus algorithms: EDA, sPoW, PoG, pBFT; Cryptography: MECDSA, MDSA, network accelerate protocol; Heterogeneous forest network and verification tools) only in the sub forests (chains). Firstly we decided to use PoW in the mainnet as it is the only time-verified consensus algorithm. Secondly these allow different users and applications to choose different technology based on requirement.

10: As you can also see, the community here is leaving the project and this is mostly because we don’t feel a real progress here. Ok, from the technical point of view, SEELE has made some progress. But we are investors and we also care about marketing, PR and listing on exchanges part — and I feel that SEELE has neglected completely this aspects.

Fully understand your concern, we have seriously realized this problem that our pr, branding, marketing work were not quite satisfied by our investors. We will restart this work and will take measures to make the communication more open and transparency.

11: I heard a rumor few month ago when SEELE started dumping.

Someone told me that SEELE will dump because it lost its market makers.

Is this true? How do you explain that SEELE was very stable and growing 1–2 month after listing and then suddenly dumped to ICO price?

I don’t really understand also the explanation regarding someone attacking and dumping SEELE?

Who would do that and why?

Being honest, in this bearish market, I think not only seele suffered a big loss and dump on price. What we can do now is to deliver our product and our blockchain technology. Strengthen our ecosystem and survive in this bearish market.

12: Will these applications by Chinese government use SEELE token on their sub chains/consortium chains?

Yes and no. For the Chinese government project Tokens are not directly used as a real ‘token’ as the local policy is not allowed. The token is only used to ensure the blockchain system is working correctly. However, there are several economic mechanism design that will link Seele token from mainchain and subchains for all other applications.




Blockchain 4.0 - Seele is a blockchain ecosystem project developing a multi-chain heterogeneous forest network. Check out our official website at