Published in
4 min readJan 29, 2018


Hot discussion of Blockchain Technology during Davos Seele has collected world-wide attention

The World Economic Forum 2018 was held as scheduled from 23 to 26 January, ushering the world economy into the week of “Davos Time”. In this year, more than 400 conferences were held during the Davos forum, centering on the theme of “Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World”.

During this time, conferences on the international blockchain industry have collected the extensive attention from the world elites in all walks of life. The blockchain technology has been regarded by Klaus Schwab, founder and president of the World Economic Forum, as the “key technology of the 4th industrial revolution”. During this year’s forum, leaders, technicians and entrepreneurs of the blockchain industry gathered in Davos to elaborate on the influence of blockchain on global economy and social development with the world political and business leaders.

On 25 January, Dr. Bi Wei, the science consultant of Seele released his first public announcement during his attendance in GBBC that Seele would be released publicly on a global basis as a public blockchain. As introduced by Dr. Bi, Seele technological framework was jointly put forward by the core team of UCL CBT and scientists,researchers as well as engineering teams from America and Asia Pacific region, which underpins the basis for a new generation of public blockchain that allows for the complete open source.

At present, the transaction speed of VISA is 60,000 per second while Bitcoin ensures 7 transactions per second at its most. Blockchain technology 2.0 represented by Ethereum can handle 25 deals per second at most. Although EOS, the typical representative of blockchain technology 3.0, can realize a transaction speed of millions per second, this is achieved at the expense of security as the agent nodes of a fixed amount are susceptible to attacks, therefore paralyzing the whole EOS network. In comparison, Seele ensures safety, expansibility and efficiency by using neural consensus algorithm and heterogeneous network to shorten the transaction confirmation time within seconds. Seele can apply to complex situations and satisfy different needs from small-scale blockchain network with hundreds of nodes to large-scale network with hundreds of millions nodes while the consensus and transaction confirmation can be reached within seconds. According to those in the industry, this is expected to bring about an epoch-making revolution to the globalization of human society.

As a coordinated tool, blockchain is also characterized with the generalizability that spans over industries, realms and situations. The heterogeneous network initiated by Seele has served as a bridge between the real and the digital world. In heterogeneous network, each chain serves only the businesses with the minimum function set. Each cohesive business is operated on an independent chain, therefore ensuring effective security isolation as well as the effective utilization and value maximization of calculation and resources.

During the Davos Forum, Mr. Oliver T. Bussmann,CEO of Bussmann Advisory AG, President of Crypto Valley Association, one of the high-profile persons in blockchain industry, has expressed interests in Seele. After going through the information on Seele’s website and the whitepaper, he expressed great in the Seele project. At the same time, Mr. Eric van der Kleij, the CEO of Swiss Telecom and Level 39 also commented on the concept of Seele as innovative and expected our further performance.

Mr. Oliver T. Bussmann and Dr. Bi Wei
Mr. Eric van der Kleij and Dr. Bi

In addition, with the emergence of the blockchain industry, the concept of the Internet of value has also been released, since the conventional Internet of information cannot realize the secure and highly-efficient value transfer. The innate financial property and distributed concept of blockchain are instrumental in addressing the problems failed to be tackled in the era of the Internet of information. As commented by those in the industry, Seele is able to facilitate the extensive application of blockchain technology and plays a big part in the comprehensive development of the Internet of value.




Blockchain 4.0 - Seele is a blockchain ecosystem project developing a multi-chain heterogeneous forest network. Check out our official website at