Seele Quarterly Report: Q2 2018

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4 min readJul 3, 2018

After months of continuous endeavor, Seele team has made enormous strides. We are excited to embrace more supporters of Seele and meet lots of Seelers in our journey of Seele Intercontinental Appraisal (SIA). At the same time, we released our test-net as scheduled, which is a significant milestone for our project. Seele wouldn’t be possible without the support of everyone. We are grateful for your unwavering support and will continue to overcome obstacles to achieve our vision of the future.

Seele Test-net Officially Launched

The infrastructure of Seele public chain has already begun to take shape and R&D has entered a new phase. Our team members have spent endless nights to make this happen.

As a public chain, Seele chain completely realizes the fundamental function of the blockchain system. It can not only support transfer transactions, smart contracts running and other functions, but also provide perfect RPC and command-line tools, creating account, checking block & peer information, sending transaction & contract, initiating mining and local wallet function, etc.

At the same time, Seele test-net is fully compatible with Ethereum EVM, and supports smart contracts written in Solidity language. It will also introduce more high-level programming languages to facilitate the participation of Seele developers.

Sharding + sPoW consensus algorithm implements a subnet and preview version of the Neural Consensus Algorithm EDA, which achieves substantial improvements in performance and safety by integrating the advantages of random sampling and PoW algorithm. It has reached a peak TPS of 3000. For the feature of Heterogeneous Forest Network, the function of this technology has been completed, which is already in the function verification and performance optimization stage.

The exclusive block browser has achieved the query and statistics functions to Seele public chain node, account, block, transaction, contract, etc. It makes easier to check the transaction records and block details on Seele blockchain at any time. Finally, for developers, it allows them to join the Seele test-net based on self-built network or to build their own private chain through source code or Docker images.

Seele Listed on Two Exchanges

As of April 5, 2018 at 14:05 UTC, Seele has successfully raised 5000 ETH, which indicated that public sales have officially concluded. Seele always focuses on the users and investors, in order to bring tangible results as soon as possible to them, Seele actively tried to get listed on exchange.

On May 22, 2018, Seele won the Special Event for Super Voting Nodes on HADAX with 10 votes and got listed on HADAX on May 28, 2018. To our excitement, Seele has set a record for the increase with 243% in three days after its listing. After a month of effort, Seele was also officially listed on Huobi Korea on June 28, 2018, which established a solid foundation for Seele’s development in the Asia Pacific region.

SIA Opened a New Chapter

To further our efforts in enhancing Seele’s global presence and operations, we kicked off our global roadshow — Seele Intercontinental Appraisal (SIA), in San Francisco on April 28, 2018. During this event, keynote speakers including Dr. Maolin Zheng (CEO) and Dr. Wei Bi (Chief Scientist) covered some of Seele’s latest achievements in terms of its technology and ecosystem.

With the goal to promote multiple, realistic industrial-level use cases, Seele is working diligently to deliver on its promises and has been actively cooperating with professionals from a myriad of sectors such as international trade, energy, transportation, government affairs and medicine.

On May 26, 2018, the first stop of Seele Intercontinental Appraisal (SIA) came to a successful conclusion in London. During the London event, Dr. Maolin Zheng (CEO) and Dr. Wei bi (Chief Scientist) systematically introduced Seele’s latest achievements in terms of its technology and ecosystem. Afterwards, Prof. Haogang Zhu (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics) and Prof. John Fox (Chairman of OpenClinical & Professor of Oxford University) explained the practical use cases of blockchain technology in the medical industry.

We will continue to explore and expand the reach of our technology in relation to traditional sectors. We look forward to sharing more promising news with our global investors in the near future.

Get to Know Seele by AMA

With the constant development and growth, Seele attracted widespread attention. Seele’s team members have been interviewed by BlockchainBrad, BitWhale and CryptoLingo, to unpack the FUD & Fiction and introduce Seele project.

It’s worth mentioning that Seele’s CEO Dr. Maolin Zheng made a live broadcast by the invitation of BitcoinWorld to share some new idea about Seele and blockchain technology. Also, he was invited to participate the summit of “Blockchain story in Asia” as a featured speaker to discuss the application of blockchain.

In conclusion, Seele made great strides in the second quarter this year, which we couldn’t have achieved without everyone’s support. We are grateful and want to express our appreciation to all participants and supporters. We will continue to work toward Seele’s goal with your trust and usher in the era of the Internet of Value.




Blockchain 4.0 - Seele is a blockchain ecosystem project developing a multi-chain heterogeneous forest network. Check out our official website at