Seele Quarterly Report: Q3 2018

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4 min readOct 2, 2018

Autumn is the season for maturity, bringing us the fruition of months of thought, care and toil. Over the past three months, Seele never ceases to strive for its grand vision and arduous but rewarding mission. The constant renewal and improvement of technology will provide a powerful safeguard for the smooth release of Seele main network. As it matures, Seele has achieved significant progress on ecological construction and industrial application. Seele attended lots of events and scored achievements in numerous industries, which effectively made Seele become more exposed in the globe. Nevertheless, everyone’s trust and support are indispensable for our progress. We would like to express our appreciation to all participants and supporters.

Technological development

Seele Tech Team has been very busy over the past few months since the launch of our testnet. When putting the third quarter into review, it becomes clear right away that it was a productive one, and that we are on the threshold of great things and are progressing smoothly according to the schedule illustrated in our roadmap.

The most notable development achievement of this quarter is that all essential features of Seele chain have been implemented. The main functions of heterogeneous forest network have been completed, including system contracts and sub-chain functions. Additionally, we have implemented the integrated tests and local network deployment of Quick Value Internet Connection (QVIC) protocol. The result represents that it can better adapt to and meets the various needs that blockchain value network face at the transport and application layers, and can also significantly improve the network fault tolerance. At the same time, the interface of the consensus algorithm layer is abstracted, which forms a pluggable consensus engine and can support various consensus algorithms, including PoW, PoS, BFT, etc.

We are proactively developing the cross-chain communication technology and have completed the basic functional testing of light nodes, X-relay and Hashed-Time Lock which make the verification function available between Seele and sub-chains, Seele and BTC, ETH preliminarily. And we have completed the function optimization of Seele contract virtual machine (SVM), which is functionally compatible with EVM, WASM and other mainstream contract virtual machines. Importantly, the cross-shard transaction becomes available, which greatly improved the security. Besides, we still pay great attention to the redesign and optimization of Seele browser to increase the user experience.

Moreover, Seele team officially published two full edition of Yellow Papers. The first cryptology Yellow Paper “Multiple Elliptic Curves Digital Signature Algorithm” optimized the typical multiple signature mechanism, decreased the data transfer volume of multiple elliptic curves digital signature, and provided alternative elliptic curves parameters. The second Yellow Paper “An Accelerated Method for Message Propagation in Blockchain Networks” proposed a method that selects a node’s closest neighbor using transmission latency, thus, the lower the latency, the closer the neighbor. More yellow papers covering the Neural Network Consensus Algorithm, sPoW, and the distributed system will be published in the following days.

Ecological cooperation

Ecological construction is always a priority for Seele. Gladly, Seele has explored new space in various fields. In the medical industry, Seele secured cooperation with Pro. John Fox. He will apply Seele’s blockchain and smart contract technology to carry out medical research and clinical service management. Combining Seele’s extensive system design and engineering development experience, Linfinity will fully utilize operational capabilities and user resources to accelerate the building of supply chain ecosystem. Under the trend of Industrial Internet, Seele has been selected by Beihang project team to satisfy the demands of industries in real world settings. More exciting, Seele unveiled its first ecological project — BSOS. Both sides will cooperate in the fields of underlying technology and development strategy, to solve the pain points of data exchange in the commodities supply chain.

Seele’s Globalization

In the course of the past three months, Seele team attended many events to deepen its global influence. In Asia Blockchain Summit, Seele CEO Dr. Maolin Zheng and Chief Scientist Dr. Wei Bi introduced the latest breakthrough in Seele’s consensus algorithm. In the meanwhile, Seele selected Elias as Asian Ecosystem Leader to strengthen our ecosystem construction in Asia. In addition, Seele team participated in the Huobi Carnival in South Korea and established the Korean community on Kakao talk to embrace Korean investors. In the early September, Seele team started the Global University Tour at National Taiwan University to enhance the interaction with Taiwan supporters. In addition, Turkish and Thai telegram groups have been established, and a volunteer project for Spanish and French fans has been initiated.

Exchange Listing

In August, Seele officially got listed on CoinEx, where SEELE/USDT trading pair was available for the first time. Benefiting from the upgrade of HADAX, Seele was also officially launched on Huobi Next. Seele will leverage the brand potential, the trading users and other resources available on Huobi and strive for creating more industry applications.

During the third quarter, Seele has gone through severe price fluctuations. But fortunately, many loyal supporters fight together with us. Words can’t express how appreciated we are for everyone. More exciting, Seele main network will be successfully launched as scheduled. All the accomplishments Seele achieved ensure its sustainable development and flourish. In the future, we will enforce our strength and forge ahead as always.

Decryption Activity Beta

The encryption method of last week ciphertext is Reverse cipher. After decryption, we get the final plaintext of this month.

Plaintext: San Francisco

San Francisco is where Seele’s headquarter located. Seele’s algorithm development and research team is working there.




Blockchain 4.0 - Seele is a blockchain ecosystem project developing a multi-chain heterogeneous forest network. Check out our official website at