Seele Testnet Officially Launched

Published in
2 min readJun 30, 2018

We are thrilled to announce that Seele’s test-net has been officially launched. The infrastructure of Seele public chain has already begun to take shape and R&D has entered a new phase. We are also approaching the release of Seele’s main-net in the fourth quarter, the next significant milestone in our roadmap.

During the R&D process of Seele public chain, we have always kept in mind the mission and goals, aiming to solve the multiple problems in the blockchain technology, actively build an innovative value-based Internet production relations, promote the in-depth development of blockchain, and unleash the potential productivity.

When Seele’s test-net is launched, we will also publish the test report at the same time. For detailed information, please refer to the official GitHub. We are grateful and want to express appreciation for your participation in our test-net and make valuable recommendations for us.

Achievements Till Date

1. As a public chain, Seele chain completely realizes the fundamental function of the blockchain system. It can support transfer transactions, smart contracts running and other functions.

2. It can support perfect RPC and command-line tools, creating account, checking block & peer information, sending transaction & contract, initiating mining and local wallet function, etc.

3. Seele test-net is fully compatible with Ethereum EVM, and supports smart contracts written in Solidity language. It will also introduce more high-level programming languages to facilitate the participation of Seele developers.

4. Sharding + sPoW consensus algorithm implements a subnet and preview version of the Neural Consensus Algorithm EDA, which achieves substantial improvements in performance and safety by integrating the advantages of random sampling and PoW algorithm. It has reached a peak TPS of 3000.

5. The function of Heterogeneous Forest Network has been completed, which is already in the function verification and performance optimization stage. Please stay tuned for our official website and GitHub progress. The result will be fulfilled gradually in Seele test-net.

6. The exclusive block browser has achieved the query and statistics functions to Seele public chain node, account, block, transaction, contract, etc. It makes easier to check the transaction records and block details on Seele blockchain at any time.

7. It allows developers to join the Seele test-net based on self-built network or to build their own private chain through source code or Docker images.

If the developer encounters any problems during the testing process, please email to or submit questions directly via GitHub.

Next step

1. The application of Faucet token is under development. The developers can apply for testing tokens on Seele Faucet, which are used to run smart contract on the test-net.

2. The test-net wallet will be provided soon. It will realize the transfer, smart contract releasing and other functions.

3. The test nodes in Europe and America are deployed underway and more global nodes will be added in the future.

4. Along with the test-net upgrade, Seele wallet and DApp development tools will be launched.




Blockchain 4.0 - Seele is a blockchain ecosystem project developing a multi-chain heterogeneous forest network. Check out our official website at