Are you spending development dollars effectively?

Ken Dummitt
Published in
2 min readSep 15, 2017

Software is the single largest, most strategic investment companies make today. Yet, most companies don’t know whether they’re spending their software development dollars effectively. To know that, they’d need to measure how well development teams and individual programmers manage their code. Before Seerene, that couldn’t be done in a credible and transparent way.

Many CIOs base development evaluations on qualitative rankings or non-standardized metrics. When they lack fact-based metrics, it’s hard to make decisions in a timely way and feel confident in them.

With Seerene, there’s a better approach. Seerene’s platform helps executives drill down on information to quickly uncover risks, impediments, and areas that need their attention. That translates into richer conversations about the changes and improvements they can make.

The platform gathers information from every level, across developers, teams, locations, applications, projects, languages, and more. Seerene does that quickly and on an ongoing basis, without disrupting the teams or individuals it measures.

It then provides CIOs with detailed and summary level information in three categories:

  1. Outputs: Logic added, changes, revisions, real lines of code, and components used
  2. Impediments to outputs: Time spent in complex code and time spent in undocumented code, developer focus, and team churn
  3. Technical debt incurred: The complexity left behind, undocumented code, and SonarQube violations

Seerene uses that information to measure spend effectiveness for several types of initiatives:

  • A move to agile development
  • Training investments
  • Community investments
  • Investments in SDKs
  • Investments in consultants
  • Impact of outsourcing
  • Impact of right-shoring
  • Impact of leadership
  • Impact of transparency

Make way for improvements

With these constant measurements at their fingertips, CIOs can consider every angle of their development investments, make evidence-based changes, and measure the results.

With support from Seerene, CIOs can move beyond simplistic, binary decision making that’s based on low-quality management information. They can use transparent measurements to assess risks and target poorly performing areas. They can work in a way that’s transparent, efficient, reliable, and fast.

5 Stages of Software Development Maturity

Seerene helps CIOs run the most effective software development organizations possible, knowing their development dollars are well spent.



Ken Dummitt
Writer for

GM Americas at Seerene — Experience building a $400M fintech business and leading a 2,000ppl services organization