How private equity firms use Seerene post-investment

Ken Dummitt
Published in
2 min readJan 29, 2018

If you’ve read my post titled How private equity (PE) firms use Seerene to improve their ROI, you know that Seerene is invaluable pre-investment. But once you acquire a company, how does Seerene help?

With Seerene, PE firms can stop wading through layer after layer of people who say “trust us”. Instead, it gives them transparency across their portfolio, so they can make faster assessments and better investment decisions.

The governance angle

Seerene’s platform helps PE firms understand the value and success of software investments within their portfolio companies. It meets the need for enterprise-wide systems of record and clarity, providing transparency around each company’s largest, most strategic investment — code+people.

Seerene can be implemented in days, not weeks, so PE firms can see results from their portfolio companies quickly. Unlike other platforms, Seerene uses pre-existing tools and data, so there’s no manual data entry or change management process needed when it’s implemented. It simply runs in the background on an ongoing basis, providing insight into critical factors that impact each portfolio company’s ROI.

So what are the benefits for PE firms post-investment?

  1. Increased innovation: Whether they’re in-house or external, you need to know how much time the developers in a portfolio company or across your portfolio are spending creating innovative code. Only then can you assess whether their time is well spent, or whether they need a redirect.
  2. Reduced outsourcing costs: Cut costs and maintain productivity by engaging in fact-based vendor management. When you have hard data about vendors’ outputs, it’s easier to help your portfolio companies negotiate based on the vendor’s actual productivity and effort. And you can consolidate contracts across your portfolio for even more leverage.
  3. Faster time to market: Help your firms zero in on the challenges and barriers that slow their projects down. With exceptional data in front of you, it’s possible to govern projects in a way that speeds time to market.
  4. Improved productivity: When you can see what’s really happening on the ground on development teams, you can direct financial and human resources where they’re needed most. That lets you help increase efficiencies and your firms’ overall productivity.
  5. Added value: With deep insight into how your portfolio companies are spending their time, as well as the risks and challenges they face, you’ll bring valuable knowledge to the portfolio to enable better, more strategic decisions.
  6. Benchmarking: Gain clarity on where your company stands in its sector or across a portfolio. Aim to be in the top 10–25% when you understand and leverage your value.

Use Seerene’s revelatory metrics to improve portfolio performance post-investment and increase exit values. All while reducing risk. It’s RAROC made better.



Ken Dummitt
Writer for

GM Americas at Seerene — Experience building a $400M fintech business and leading a 2,000ppl services organization