One day will every company use a platform like Seerene?

Published in
1 min readMay 8, 2017

Every company who uses people to write software could benefit from the insights that Seerene provides. We have customers with as few as 10 engineers and as many as 25,000.

What an application landscape looks like for a large company

While the product is SaaS and easy to setup, our focus is a company is on the needs of very large enterprises. The reason being is that the more complex the operation, the greater the value. When you’re dealing with thousands of applications, including legacy, old, new, strategic, and revenue generating, it is hard to understand things like attribution and risk. It’s even harder when your software is being written in different program languages, by different internal teams and outsourced consultants. With Seerene a global CIO shifts their perspective from black box to crystal clear. They can see in real-time, or time lapsed view, exactly where investments are being made and what needs their focus.

