What’s New at Seerene



Over the past year or so at Seerene we’ve been laser-focused on building out our vision for code+people analytics, expanding globally, and adding large enterprise customers. Our aim is to help CIOs and executives around the world measure the value and success of their software development efforts and software investments. Today, Seerene’s insights are helping Fortune 500 companies manage their risk, improve cost:return ratios, accelerate time-to-market, and run faster than the competition.

We’ve significantly advanced our mission in recent quarters, and I wanted to take a moment to share an update on what we’ve been up to. Here’s a quick summary:

Our Run Rate grew 3x and we signed Customers around the World

With new enterprise deals in the US, Europe and Asia, our run rate tripled over the last 5 quarters. In just the last few months, we’ve signed on some of the biggest organizations in the United States, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, and the United Kingdom. For instance, we’re working with:

  • A top 3 software company to deliver insights that inform CIO-level project management for core application development.
  • A top 3 automotive group to help guide a triple digit million dollar software investment and provide metrics and transparency into their core applications.
  • A manufacturing company with a €40B market cap to help its software development organization eliminate waste, reduce rework, and increase reuse across 2,000 applications.

In addition to new sales, we are especially proud that we’ve expanded our footprint with existing customers through upsells. At the same time, we’ve kept our SaaS churn in annual and multi-year contracts below 1% by delivering clear value to our customers through unprecedented transparency into their codebase and capacity across applications.

Expanded Seerene Dashboards & App Connectors

We’ve also doubled down on evolving the Seerene platform, releasing new dashboards that enable a portfolio view, giving CIOs transparency across all their development efforts. We’re hard at work extending those dashboards so that you can slice data by applications, projects, or teams (both internal and external).

This system of intelligence wouldn’t work without seamless APIs and connectors into all of our customers’ behind-the-firewall IT systems and codebases. The number of apps we’re connecting to has grown by 600% over the past year, and we have a single client with over 2,000 connected applications. In fact, we’re now analyzing over 4 billion lines of code.

A world-class team

All of this progress wouldn’t be possible without a stellar team working behind the scenes to exceed our customer expectations day in and day out. We’ve scaled the Seerene team globally, across all functions, and added experienced advisors such as Bill Macaitis, who’s worked with the likes of Salesforce, Zendesk, and Slack. We’ve also built out our management bench, with great additions like:

  • Srikant Vemuri, VP Product — The newest member of Seerene’s executive team, Srikant has developed, scaled, and exited SaaS solutions for seed to series D companies like Adchemy and Womply.
  • Jamie Grenney, CMO — Before Seerene, Jamie was the CMO at PlanGrid, an early member of the team at Infer, and an 11-year veteran at Salesforce. He joined Salesforce as employee 140 and when he left there were over 10,000 employees.
  • Michael Oertel, VP Engineering — Prior to Seerene, Michael managed fast-scaling development at major enterprises such as eBay, mobile.de, and Axel Springer SE.
  • Mathias Hoehme, VP Finance — Mathias formerly served as CFO in various companies, and began his career at KPMG.
  • Ken Dummit, Americas GM — Ken was previously Group President at SunGard, with responsibility for major accounts (representing over $2.5 billion in annual revenues), international sales, and leading a 1,600-person consulting organization.

This group joins Guido and Ada, who are leading our business in Europe and Asia.

In just the last two years, we’ve expanded to Potsdam, Berlin, London, New York, San Francisco, and Hong Kong. While we’re certainly pleased with this momentum, we also feel that it’s only the beginning. Stay tuned for more on how our code+people analytics is helping all kinds of companies drive competitive advantage in the age of software.

