Why do CIOs need help managing their code+people?

Published in
1 min readMay 8, 2017

Small companies and mid-level managers usually have a decent handle on their engineering teams. Their primary focus is finding developer tools to increase productivity and monitor system performance.

But what happens to CIOs who have thousands of developers working on hundreds or thousands of software projects? How are they supposed to distill information across their entire portfolio to figure out what’s working and what’s not? They face an incredibly complex web of data that includes technological boundaries, programing languages, and distributed teams.

Example of what the application landscape looks like for a large global company — Seerene builds a map similar to this for your company so you can understand things like effort, risk, and the software architecture.

Seerene simplifies this complexity and turns millions of code+people interactions into clear, actionable metrics. With very little set-up time and no change in behavior required from users, Seerene lets CIOs see across all their software projects, whether they’re internal or outsourced. It lets them quickly understand attribution and at-risk projects so they can shift resources, hit critical targets, and accelerate the pace of innovation.

