The Equations of Combat

“To understand the Universe, you must understand the language in which it’s written, the language of Mathematics.” — Galileo

Scott Gehring
S.E.F. Blog


Mathematics is the language of nature, and fighting is a part of nature.

Just like physics describes natural phenomena in science, the same logic can describe interactions in hand-to-hand combat.

Photo by Antoine Dautry on Unsplash

Encapsulated in this article are the field equations used to derive the principles and concepts for the strategic engagement of force.

Understanding these ideas is the key to commanding strategic and tactical advantage in martial arts.

Drawing on a developed sense of rationality, the clever man can develop, rearrange, and expand these formulas to extract the patterns of conflict.

The maximum value of these field equations is harnessed when kept within the proper perspective. Von Clausewitz says it best:

“these principles and rules are intended to provide the thinking man with a frame of reference for the movement he has been training to carry out, rather than to serve as a guide which in the moment of action lays down precisely the path he must take”

~ Carl von Clausewitz

In combat, there are three constants of success.

These are encapsulated by The Three C’s mnemonic: cunning, calculation, and commitment. The equations here are focused on the calculation portion.

For more detail, diagrams, and explanation on these field equations, please see Scott Gehring’s Strategic Engagement of Force.

The Components of Force

Physical Force = Movement + Firepower

Holistic Force = Movement + Firepower + Communication

Force Control = Speed + Direction + Essence

The 2 Kinds of Force = Contact + Field

Force per Tool = Distance / Time²

FMC² = (Movement + Firepower + Communication) ^Mass Attack


Combative State = Positioning + Attacking

Biomechanical Energy = Limb + Body

The 2 Types of Energy = Potential + Kinetic

The Behaviors of Force

Movement = Standup + Ground

Firepower = Weapons + Empty Hand

Communication = Verbal + Non-Verbal

Expressions of Force

Expression of Firepower = Tools + Path of Action + Target

Expression of Movement = Setpoint A + Transition + Setpoint B

Expression of Communication = Transmitter + Signal + Receiver

Classes of Force

Maneuver = Body + Foot

Transition = Position + Maneuver + Attributes

Standup = Setpoint A + (Position + Foot Maneuver + Attributes) + Setpoint B

Ground = Setpoint A + (Position + Body Maneuver + Attributes) + Setpoint B

Empty Hands = Grappling + Striking

Weapons = Impact + Edged + Flexible + Projectile

Verbal Communication = Linguistic + Non-Linguistic

The 7 Bases = Standup + Ground + Empty Hands + Weapons + Verbal + Non-Verbal + Mass Attacks

Paths of Action

POA = Path of Action

Path of Action = Technique + Position + Attributes

Multi-Dimensional Pathway = Centerline + Outer Rim + Path of Action


Position = Distance + Angle + Aim + Balance + State

State = Physical + Mental

Opposing Force Alignment = Aim + Angle

Horizontal Force Alignment = Neutral + Angular + Net

Vertical Force Alignment = Neutral + Downward + Upward

Flow = Beats + Rhythm + Tempo + Timing + Harmony

4D Positioning = Position + Flow

Navigation = Horizontal + Vertical + Angular

Horizontal Navigation = Penetration + Clearing + Lateral


Technique = Body Mechanics + Economy of Motion + Forecasting

Technique Development = Learn + Practice + Functionalize + Master + Maintain


Attribute Classes = Environmental + Locational + Individual

Environmental Attribute Class = Political + Topical + Social

Individual Attribute Class = Moral + Physical + Mental + Perceptual

Locational Attribute Class = Vector + Position + Flow

The 3 Mindsets = Rational + Emotional + Survival

Performance = Positive Attributes + (Negative Attributes)

Individual Physical Attributes

Power = Marriage of Gravity + Momentum + Torque + Speed

Pure Speed = Distance/Time

Holistic Speed = Metal + Physical + Perceptual

Physical Speed = Initial + Penetration + Transition + Retraction + Reaction

Penetration Speed = Distance + Velocity + Acceleration

Transition Speed = Change in Speed (Direct) + Change in Direction (Indirect) + Change in Essence (Indirect)


Tools = Range * Distance

Range Empty Hand (Parker) = Out of Contact + In Contact + Contact Penetration + Contact Manipulation

Range Empty Hand (Lee) = Kicking + Punching + Trapping + Grappling

Range Empty Hand (Parker-Lee Unified) = Out of Contact + Kicking + Punching + Trapping + Grappling

Range Ground (Hall) = Foot + Knee\Palm + Elbow + Shoulder

Range Stand up (the Five Shuffle Method) = Shuffle 0 + Shuffle 1 + Shuffle 2 + Shuffle 3 + Shuffle 4 + Shuffle 5

Range Weapons (Inosanto) = Largo Mono + Sumbrada + Hubud

Mass Attack Ranges = Swarm + Spread + Eclipse

Shuffles = Distance Unit of Measure

Beats = Time Unit of Measure


Motion = Method + Path + Direction + Dimension + Flow + Measure of Degree

Method = Circular + Linear

Path = Vertical + Horizontal + Angular

Direction = Front + Back + Left + Right Side + Up + Down

Dimensions = Height + Width + Depth + Time

Flow = Beats + Rhythm + Tempo + Timing + Harmony

Depth = Distance = Time


Targets = Zones * Dimensions

Height Zones = High + Mid + Low

Width Zones = Left outer + Left Inner + Right Inner + Right Outer

Depth Zones = Lead Wrist + Lead Elbow + Lead Shoulder + Lead Neck + Rear Neck + Rear Shoulder + Rear Ankle

Time Zones = Before + During + After

Pivot Points

The 5 Primary Pivot Points = Neck + Left Shoulder + Right Shoulder + Left Hip + Right Hip

Secondary = Left Elbow + Right Elbow + Left Wrist + Right Wrist + Left Ankle + Right Ankle + Left Knee + Right Knee + Lower Back

Frame Angulations = Left Forward + Right Forward + Flush

Arm Angulations = Bracing + 90-Degree + Spiking + Downward

Lines and Curves

Critical Distance = In Range of Firepower + Hostile Intent

Key Objective Line = Traverse + Hit + Cross

Centerline = Axis Rotation + High Reference + Low Reference

Functions for Centerline = Guidance + Measurement + Targeting + Unification

The Curve of Attack = Penetration + Point of Pressure + Clearing

The 3 Most Important Lines = Critical Distance Line + Centerline + Key Objective Line

Lines = Efficiency

Curves = Deception


Tactical Approaches = Phase Centric + Field Centric + Combination Phase Field

Phases = Approach + Delivery + Close

The Approach = Positioning + Entry

The Delivery = Pressure + Objective

The Close = Clearing + Positioning

Tactical Paths of Action = Analysis + Preparation + Leadoff + Counter + Pressure + Blitz + Control + Damage + Fire + Move

EPOC = Entry + Pressure + Objective + Clear

Fields of Engagement

Fields of Engagement = Accordial Fields + Lateral Fields + Vertical Fields

Accordial Fields = Measure + Attack + Flank

Lateral Fields = Inside + Outside + On-Center

Vertical Fields = Standup to Standup + Ground to Ground + Ground to Standup + Standup to Ground

The Field of Positioning

Positioning = Vector 0

Vector 0 = Analysis + Preparation

States of Positioning = Structure + Lead Time

Structure = Engaged + Not Engaged

Lead Time = Scheduled + Not Scheduled

The 3 Force Engagement Patterns = Assault + Quickdraw + Sparring

Sparring = Engaged + Scheduled

Assault = Not Engaged + Not Scheduled

Quickdraw = Ambiguous Engagement + Ambiguous Scheduling

Setups = Repel + Redirect + Absorb

The 3 Where’s = Where are their hands? + Where are their friends? + Where is the exit?

The Field of Attack

The Attack = Entry + Pressure + Objective + Clear

Attack Types = Simple + Compound + Renewed + Counter

The 3 Types of Weapons Engagements = Weapons Fight + Weapons Attack + Weapons Threat


Vectors of Attack = Entry + Pressure + Objective + Clear

The Vector Attack Chain = Vector 1 + Vector 2 + Vector 3 + Vector 4

Entry = Vector 1

Pressure = Vector 2

Objective = Vector 3

Clear = Vector 4

Vector 1 = Leadoff + Counter

Vector 2 = Blitz + Zone

Vector 2 = Objective + Control

Vector 4 = Movement + Firepower

Leadoff = Direct + Indirect + Immobilization + Combination + Independent motion + Broken Rhythm

Counter = Intercept + Destroy + Riposte

Defensive Hit Timing = Before + During + After

Defensive Footwork = Running + Holding + Jamming

Riposte = After Hit Timing + Running Footwork

Destroy = During Hit Timing + Holding Footwork

Intercept = Before Hit Timing + Jamming Footwork

The Four Pressure Patterns Movement = Blitz + Zone + Hit and Run + Stalk

Blitz = Rolling + Repeating + Figure 8 + Fanning + Expansion-Contraction + Synchronous + Spinning

Zone = Vertical + Lateral + Angular

The Time-Distance Theater

TD-theater = Distance / Time

Time = Flow + Phases + Beats

Distance = Position + Fields + Shuffles

Force per Tool = Distance / Time²

Beats = Base Unit of Measure for Time

Shuffles = Base Unit of Measure of Distance

The Hierarchy of Decisiveness

The Hierarchy of Decisiveness = Objective + Strategy + Plans + Tactics + Vectors + Paths of Actions + Targets + Tools

The Decisiveness Six = Objective + Strategy + Plans + Tactics + Vectors + Paths of Actions

The 3 Constants of Combat = Cunning + Calculation + Commitment

Tools = Range * Distance

Targets = Zones * Dimensions

Paths of Action = Position + Attributes + Technique


The 3 Ways of Loss = Wreck + Will + Wind

OAD = Objects of Neutralization + Advantage + Deception

Objects of Neutralization = Person + Place + Thing

The 6 Advantage States = Strong + Neutral + Vulnerable + Weak + Ambiguous + Desperate

The 6 Deceptions = Disguise + Distraction + Sleight of Hand + Lure + Razzle Dazzle + Game Change

The 3 Types of Conflict = Moral + Attrition + Maneuver

OAD Triangle Principles = Attributes + The 3 Where’s + Set Point Control

OAD Person = Physical + Metal + Moral + Perceptual

OAD Place = Vector + Position + Flow

OAD Things = Friends + Hands + Exit

SEF Trinity = FMC² + EPOC + OAD

OODA Loop = Observe + Orient + Decide +Act

The Strategic Questions = Who? + What? + Where? + Why? + How? + What? + When? + How Much?

About Scott Gehring

Scott Gehring is a Senior Combat Instructor in the Art Contemporary of Jeet Kune Do, a 5th Degree Blackbelt in Kenpo Karate, and an expert in multiple mixed martial arts.

Check out the following resources to learn more about Scott:

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About — Scott Gehring — Medium

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Jeet Kune Do

Martial Arts



Scott Gehring
S.E.F. Blog

Deft in centrifugal force, denim evening wear, velvet ice crushing, and full contact creativity. Founder of the S.E.F Blog and Technology Whiteboard.