Creative Bulletin n.56 (Jan 6th 2021)

Matteo di Pascale
Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin
3 min readJan 7, 2021

What did the Three Kings bring us? The picture that we will use for Fabula for kids’ Kickstarter campaign 🤟🧹 We plan to go online mid February!

🐐🐐🐐 What we’ve been up to this week:

So many things! We walked into 2021 pretty aggressively 😂

We planned our next steps for Fabula for Kids’ crowdfunding campaign that we will launch in February (Umberto, our marketing manager said that he is «ready on the starting block like Maurice Greene» 🚀)

We looked for tech solutions for our customer care (to answer emails, and Facebook and Instagram comments). Matteo tried every single possible tool out there (😅) and for those who are interested, he suggests FrontApp for emails and Agora Pulse for social media!

We are about to enter the Spanish and French markets with the translated products (that’s also why we needed a smarter way to handle customer service since it will be in all 4 languages!)

We have the first draft of a structure for our new product, Fabula for Editing, which will help you improve your manuscript before sending it to the editors 💪 and speaking of that…

✍️✍️✍️ Call for writers

Are you a writer? Have you published already or do you have a manuscript hiding in your drawer? We would love to interview you to understand what your needs are when you edit. If it sounds good, hit us up! 🙏

🦊🦊🦊 What we would like to do

A creative accelerator. We’ve been courting Umberto (who was very pleased ❤️) to open a new project together. We would like to find creative projects that can’t seem to take flight (just like Intùiti in 2013, for example) and help these projects enter and settle in the market. And then we’d like to write a book on how to launch new products 🔥

🎃🎃🎃 What we’ve learned

Sometimes we don’t reach our goals because the heart is not in it and we end up going in the wrong direction (that’s why we have intùiti); but sometimes we don’t reach these same goals for the opposite reason, because there’s no structure holding down the system.

«I want to publish a book». «Do you write every day?» «Yes!» «Do you send manuscripts to the editors?» «No…»

«We want to expand sales to France and Spain!» «Do you have websites in these languages?» «Of course». «Have you enhanced the customer care?» «No».

Intuition is the star that points to the right direction; passion is the fuel that makes the engine go; but without a map there’s really nowhere to go.

🌈 Takeaway: you (also) need a clear vision
How do we get from A to B? Or: how come we can’t get to B even if we’re on the right path and we’re full of passion?

How can we get published if we don’t send our manuscripts to editors? How can we be successful if once our sales go up, we’re not ready with the customer service? How can we help a product grow if we have no company?

Let’s write down a shopping list: what do we need to go from A to B? And let’s be honest: what are we missing?

With ❤️,
Matteo and Andrea

*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***

In this bulletin we tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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Matteo di Pascale
Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin

Multidisciplinary creative | Author of Intùiti, Fabula and Cicero | Happily CEO @ Sefirot Independent Publisher