Creative Bulletin n.58 (Jan 20th 2021)

Matteo di Pascale
Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin
3 min readJan 21, 2021

On Monday we shot a video where we tell the story of why and how we created Fabula for Kids. Alizé ( Matteo’s girlfriend) coached us on acting and accent and, yes, the picture tells it how it is, we cracked up 😂

That same evening Michael sent us the first draft of the stop motion all the way from Canada. As you can see from these few images, it’ll look awesome.

🐐🐐🐐 What we’ve been up to this week

As you may have gathered from the above pics, Fabula for Kids’ Kickstarter launch is fast approaching (we are thinking mid February), and our time is being devoted to the preparation: there is still a lot to do and we are starting to feel dizzy and scared 😅 We’ll keep you posted (for the next month that’s all we’ll talk about!)

With whatever time we have left, we’re immersed in the proof-reading class. We are loving it. Andrea quite rightly said «It’s a great exercise of meditation and focus». We feel like it is helping grow the love and care for our products ❤️

🦊🦊🦊 What we would like to do

Sefirot’s editorial rules. Did you know that every publisher has its own editorial rules? It’s basically a list of choices: how do you write acronyms? (ONU, Onu, or onu?), when should you use cursive, the ellipsis, are quotation marks to be used for dialogues or quotes? «We could use these» we think, — or maybe the dash, — or even “quotation marks”. 😊

From the publisher editing rules we can deduce its values: whether it has a young or conservative spirit; if it wants to present itself in a more colloquial way or a more pompous way; we could even see if it respects the institutions. What does it mean when we decide to write «state» instead of «State» and «church» instead of «Church»?

Well, we’re working on it and we’ll share them with you, since it could be a good start to work on personal editing rules: If I choose to write «’Em» instead of «Them», what am I communicating to those who read me on Fb, Wapp, and on work emails? 🙃

🎃🎃🎃 What we’ve learned

We almost “lost it” this week 😭 Too much to do and to think about. We were pretty done already, just imagine what a Kickstarter launch did (which it’s hard on its own). The risk is to to either do things poorly or to die heroically trying to do them well 😂

🌈 Takeaway: first of all find the catch
When we are overwhelmed by too many things it is hard to think clearly. That’s the moment to take a couple of steps back and look at the whole picture.

If we had trusted the classic distribution system, Sefirot wouldn’t exist, same if we had sold only in Italy. To be able to live and grow, Sefirot has to make few products but they have to be excellent, and they have to be distributed independently through non conventional means and all over the world.

And here we face the first catch: is it possible to be authors, entrepreneurs, editors, shippers, distributors, accountants expert in both national and international laws and not have an identity crisis? 😅

Well, we have our first catch.
Let’s go find the first solution 🦊

With ❤️,
Matteo and Andrea

*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***

In this bulletin we tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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Matteo di Pascale
Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin

Multidisciplinary creative | Author of Intùiti, Fabula and Cicero | Happily CEO @ Sefirot Independent Publisher