Creative Bulletin n.63 (Feb 24th 2021)
Fabula for Kids has exceeded 30.000€ with more than 800 backers. It’s wonderful!
If you want to follow the campaign you can do it here 👉
🐐🐐🐐 What we’ve been up to this week
We tried to detach from the campaign, to rest and do something else (super hard 😂):
We started structuring the websites in French and Spanish and we found some missing texts here and there and sentences on images that were not translated (we had completely forgot about them!), so, round two of translations 😊
Andrea started looking for a new warehouse. We handle Europe from the UK and Brexit is giving us quite a few problems!
Matteo is freaking out because the doctor told him that his sight is getting worse: 2.0 astigmatism. Maybe he shouldn’t have gone to the check up right after the launch of the campaign when his stress levels are at a peak 😂
🦊🦊🦊 What we would like to do
A recap of all of the available hiring options there are in Italy right now. Matteo posted a job advert and ended up fighting with people questioning the ad using hearsay, so we’d like to shed a light on the subject (even among our acquaintances!)
And talking about things one doesn’t know (we were unaware of so many before opening the company ☹️) Matteo would like to write a memoir on the likes of The Uncanny Valley by Anna Wiener. It could be called The Impossible Enterprise and he could talk about the craziness of running a business in Italy 😂 We’ll see.
🎃🎃🎃 What we’ve learned
On day 4 the Kickstarter campaign stopped growing. Stats say it’s normal: in the first 3 days you see the results of the work you put in before the launch; after that you enter the world of the unknown. Some projects become viral (mostly thanks to word-of-mouth) and the numbers skyrocket, other projects (the majority in fact) just sit back and wait for the 30 days to pass.
Overcome by adrenaline, we got really anxious for a couple of days and we started emailing newspapers and spamming every possible social network, until we realized that the truth is: the numbers in front of us are exactly the maximum that was reachable on our own.
🌈 Takeaway: study the field and the ecosystem
Don’t panic: study.
Kickstarter won’t allow tracing by Facebook pixel so we could come up with whatever ad we wanted but we wouldn’t know if it worked; press coverage is basically useless. Ergo: there’s nothing else we can do on our own.So how come some projects reach unbelievable monetary goals? We did some research and they are all backed by companies that only work on projects launched on Kickstarter. We’ve contacted them and they said yes! They are staring today so…we’ll see some interesting things happen soon 🚀
🤟Your takeaway
We picked two:
«Sometimes what you are looking for is way closer than you think».
– Alizé
«The best moments in life arrive when you stop clinging onto them».
– Carlene
With ❤️,
Matteo and Andrea
*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***
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