Creative Bulletin n.65 (Mar 11th 2021)
We reached 1400 backers for Fabula for Kids and yes: we feel over the Moon 😊
Her’s a link to see the project 👉
🐐🐐🐐 What we’ve been up to this week
We translated Fabula for Kids’ booklet in English. In the next few days Matteo will work on the layout and we’ll be ready to go to print!
We found a small agency based in Lecce that will help us with the graphics for social media; we found a team of writers that will help us with the blog; and a possible candidate to help us on the operational side (hurray for delegating 🎉)
We visited a printing house in Torino and we found out how much an offset printing machine costs (the amount is too big to say 😂)
We’ve gained some ground on the development of Fabula for Non-fiction and Fabula for Editing — yes, we are almost there 💪
And since «once you fix a problem a new one is lurking»: as soon as Andrea found a way to have those stuck intùiti pallets shipped, Facebook went nuts (it’s ios14’s fault by the way, and ads started not working 😭) — which reminds us: we need to work on physical distribution!
🦊🦊🦊 What we would like to do
Meet more people in the editorial and e-commerce world: we’d love to exchange some knowledge. Sometimes all it takes is five minutes chatting and you can find solutions for huge problems.
Create new business models for the editorial field: a literary agency that works like a pr company? A launch strategy for independent products but using mainstream logic? We get a kick out of imagining possible outcomes 😊
🎃🎃🎃 What we’ve learned
A few years ago, Mondadori (a huge Italian publisher) was about to publish Fabula. We were very close from signing a deal: and then they backed off. Thank God! If they hadn’t walked away, we wouldn’t have opened Sefirot 😅
🌈 Takeaway: trust the closed doors
If we would make a list of all of the «No» we got and of the setbacks, ten bulletins wouldn’t be enough 😂 Rejection letters from publishing houses, unsuccessful collaborations, Brexit, faulty suppliers, rejections from publishing houses who had contacted us themselves (yep, it happened!), Brexit (it’s worth mentioning it twice 😭), Covid…It hurts every time, and each of those times we ask ourselves: «Are we on the right path?». And besides the will (and at times heroic fury) of shrugging our shoulders and say «We gotta find another way», what we understood is that you need to have some faith: up till now, the doors that were slammed in our faces were meant to be slammed in our faces. We thank them today. So, when hard times come, besides cussing, let’s ask ourselves: «if this door is closed, where is the right one to open?» 🚪
With ❤️,
Matteo and Andrea
*** Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin ***
In this bulletin we tell you how we run an independent publishing company.
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