Top Stories published by Segnale Rumore in May of 2008

Some links for 05/08/2008

Some links for 05/12/2008

Some links for 05/02/2008

Some links for 05/01/2008

Some links for 05/21/2008

Some links for 05/04/2008

Some links for 05/14/2008

Some links for 05/07/2008

Some links for 05/03/2008

  • How to Make People Love Linux | Linux Journal
  • tags: linux, segnalerumore, windows
  • Here’s the deal: Everyone knows Windows has problems. Rubbing it in to Windows users won’t make the like you (or your OS) any better. The end result…

Google Reader… e fioccano le note!

Some links for 05/20/2008

Quelli che aspettano Elyssa…

Some links for 05/11/2008

  • The future of PHP
  • tags: php, segnalerumore, programming
  • PHP is already popular, used in millions of domains (according to Netcraft), supported
     by most ISPs and used by household-name Web companies like Yahoo! The upcoming versions…

Some links for 05/15/2008

Some links for 05/06/2008

  • :: Korn — an extended shell
  • tags: korn, shell, segnalerumore
  • t did you know that there are different shells that you can use, and that each shell operates in a slightly different way? My personal favorite is the Korn…

Lo spam fa trent’anni…!

  • Spam Turns 30

    tags: spam, internet, history
  • “spam is the one thing that bothers us all on a continuous basis…”

In effetti questa cosa dello spam, delle mail-spazzatura, è ben nota a tutti i naviganti ormai. Per quanta attenzione si…

Some links for 05/19/2008

  • Howstuffworks “How Web 3.0 Will Work”
  • tags: web3.0, web, segnalerumore
  • Some Internet experts believe the next generation of the Web — Web 3.0 — will make tasks like your search for movies and food faster and easier. Instead of…

Phoenix e Wikipedia

Some links for 05/10/2008

Some links for 05/17/2008

  • PI: Eee PC 900 si presenta al Belpaese
  • tags: hardware, laptop, segnalerumore, eeepc, asus
  • Svelato in anteprima al CeBIT di marzo, ieri il nuovo Eee PC 900 di Asus è stato ufficialmente presentato anche in Italia, dove arriverà ad il…

Twitter e la scalabilità…

Molto interessante questo post sul blog di sviluppo del servizio di microblogging Twitter: leggendolo si comprende bene come il web2.0 sia una realtà in evoluzione, le cui direzioni spesso soprendono gli stessi… attori di questo palcoscenico “tecnologico” in continuo ribollire e…

These were the top 22 stories published by Segnale Rumore in May of 2008. You can also dive into daily archives for May of 2008 by using the calendar at the top of this page.