Spatial Reflections of the Earthquake and Its Impact on Children

Müge Yaylacık
sehir dedektifi
Published in
4 min readMar 13, 2021

With the Izmir Seferihisar earthquake that took place on October 30, 2020, we are faced with a known fact of our country once again. I wish my condolences to the relatives of those who lost their lives in the earthquake and urgent recovery to the injured. Even though an earthquake is an inevitable natural disaster, it is possible to minimize the damage that occurs after the earthquake with the precautions that can be taken. Accordingly, together with Gizem Kıygı, Irem Duygu Tiryaki and Melek Gedikbas from the City Detective, we conducted Monitoring Studies after the Izmir Earthquake. In this study conducted in Bayraklı district of Izmir, the spatial reflections of the earthquake are shown, and the effect of the earthquake on children is also discussed.

Current Situation Map in Bayraklı District After Izmir Earthquake (City Detective, 2020)

The Vital Importance of “Temporary Shelter Areas” in Urban Planning

During the Izmir earthquake, five buildings were demolished and then ten buildings were demolished in a controlled manner. In addition, the damages in other buildings revealed the need for shelter after the earthquake. Emergency meeting areas in Bayraklı district have been transformed into temporary shelter areas and tent cities.

However, in what we call emergency situations, it plays a vital role that temporary accommodation areas are accessible for the disaster victims and have sufficient equipment in terms of technical infrastructure.

Although the areas where tent cities are established show integrity with the emergency gathering areas determined by AFAD, the lack of basic needs such as food, hot water, electricity, heating and toilet creates difficulties for earthquake victims. The insufficient capacity of the temporary accommodation areas, which are generally located in green areas, arose the need to establish a common temporary shelter center for earthquake victims. The construction of 550 container houses on an empty land on Manas Boulevard and Haydar Aliyev Street by AFAD continues.

Therefore, it is very vital to plan cities in consideration of emergencies and to meet the needs that are accepted as fundamental rights.

Being a Child in the Earthquake

Some issues mentioned in the Izmir-Seferihisar Earthquake Based Child Rights Observation Report published on October 30, 2020 serve as a guide for us to understand the earthquake from the eyes of children. All children, including those who lost their relatives, entered the process of adapting to a new life different from their known lives. In this process, social activity environments for children, sports fields, education stations and libraries were established in tent cities by volunteers, municipalities, non-governmental organizations and associations. Although the relevant people contribute to the healing process of children through play-oriented activities, it is very important that children live in safety in addition to these activities.

As stated in the report, the air pollution caused by the stoves that started to be installed near the tents with the cooling of the weather causes insufficient air circulation in the tent areas, and also carries the risk of fire. In addition, these adverse conditions pose a threat to the health and safety of children.
It is said that there are privacy and health security problems in shared toilet modules, food distribution areas, tents and collective event areas.

Protection of Children in Earthquakes

In order to protect children from possible neglect, abuse, violence and maltreatment in tent areas, warnings written “do not take photos and videos without permission” were posted in activity areas with children. However, there has not been an effective measure to prevent the curiosity of residents about the life of earthquake victims. In order to eliminate the perception of tent areas as a “spectacle area” for the people around, a need for a control mechanism that will ensure the safety of children has emerged.

Education Process of Children in Earthquake

After the earthquake, schools were suspended for a week in İzmir, and education information network (EBA) support trucks were brought to tent areas for children affected by the earthquake, especially the Ministry of National Education and the Kızılay, to access distance education. In addition, EBA access points were started to be established in Aşık Veysel Recreation Area and Tınaztepe Galen Hospital by İzmir Metropolitan Municipality.

Preschool education is aimed to continue with the mobile kindergarten created by Çiğli Municipality in Barış Manço and Bilal Çakırcalı parks, which are temporary shelter areas.

Social Activities for Children

Volunteers organize social activities for many different children such as fairy tales, yoga, painting, art workshops, games and face painting. It has established a children’s library called Asık Veysel Solidarity, where children can sit and read in a safe and sterile manner, but the process of obtaining permission from the authorized institutions continues.

However, it should not be forgotten that; The opportunity of children to easily access everything in this process may later take a place in their memory and turn into a need for unlimited and free access to everything. Therefore, activities for children in volunteering activities should be carried out under the expert opinions with the integrated work of professionals and volunteers.


As city detectives we say:

The locations, existing infrastructures and capacities of temporary accommodation areas should be included in the urban planning process. However, in the process of building quality and ground studies in residential areas, it is very important to carry out with the help of professionals who are competent in this area and to supervise the whole process by responsible stakeholders.

At the same time, it should not be forgotten that every individual affected by the earthquake needs many basic needs such as shelter, food and drink, health, safety, food and education after the earthquake. Children, as individuals in this society, have the right to access all basic needs under equal conditions. In the event of a possible earthquake, it should be ensured that every individual has access to all these rights and benefits equally.

