Campus Treasures: CMU Greenhouse

Hayley Seibel
Published in
3 min readNov 15, 2019
The greenhouse is open for all students to visit Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm.

In the middle of campus next to Brook’s Hall and close by the Dow Science building lies the CMU Greenhouse, a haven for both science majors, CMU students, and plant-lovers alike. For someone who is new to CMU’s campus, the greenhouse may appear to be of limited access to only those within the biology or other science programs, but it’s free for everyone to enjoy.

The greenhouse includes a pond with several koi fish.

In addition to a jungle-like lobby area, the greenhouse includes six rooms filled with a variety of different plants, from cacti to flowers and other foreign plants. Throughout the greenhouse is seating for students to study or to simply relax and soak in the warm heat of the greenhouse. Not only is the greenhouse a place for students to relax, the greenhouse is a learning experience for both CMU students who visit the greenhouse and greenskeepers—students who assist the greenhouse manager in caring for the greenhouse. Each plant includes the plant’s name for students to search on the internet and learn more about the particular plant.

One of the rooms in the greenhouse is filled with several types of cacti.

For one CMU student, the greenhouse is a haven amidst juggling coursework, social life, and her job. Lauren Nicholson has made coming to the greenhouse a weekly routine amidst her busy schedule. “I live off campus and my Wednesday classes are an hour apart, so I come here to kill time before my next class” said Nicholson.

Lauren Nicholson, a senior at CMU, sends out some emails inbetween classes.

The greenhouse is a beloved treasure at CMU for its positive impact on students. “We have a lot of students that will come into the greenhouse during the winter, especially for out-of-state students who aren’t used to Michigan’s winter,” said Greenhouse Manager Kari Johnson. The greenhouse also includes a message box that students can leave anonymous messages inside. The message box is positive in both providing students with words of affirmation from fellow students and allowing students to anonymously express their feelings as a form of “letting go” negative emotions.

The greenhouse features a message box that CMU students can leave anonymous notes of positive quotes and letters in. The greenhouse keepers will then display these messages near the entrance of the greenhouse.

The greenhouse is a beautiful spot that all CMU students should visit at least once in their college career at Central. Not only is it a great resource for alleviating stress and getting through the harsh winter months, there’s also a lot to discover and love about the greenhouse.

The Hare’s Foot Fern is one of many plants featured in the greenhouse.

