How We Simplify Complexity Ideas

Alifatul Mufarrohah Technology
4 min readJul 18, 2022

Opens this post with a quote from H.L. Mencken,

“For every complex problem, there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.”

There are many ideas in the head, is it hard to make it happen? Unfortunately, there’s a moment when we get stuck trying to convey our ideas, working on complexity. It’s like we know what to write. But when we open Google Docs, there’s no word that comes up.

So, if we run into that situation, what should we do? I will try to describe some things that hopefully will help, from a Technical Writer point of view. I gladly welcome you to add your own ideas in the comment section. But first, let’s talk about its connection, between complexity and the Technical Writer role.

People said, a Technical Writer’s job is to simplify complexity. We transform complex and confusing information or ideas into most understandable content as the job core value. Is it possible to do? Absolutely!

How do we do it? In the method of technical writing, there are two (2) ways.

  • Play with analogy, metaphors, or logic
  • Slice the complexity into smaller pieces

Next question, can this method be applied to simplify complexity ideas? Yes, with additional tips. Here we are.

The Right Question, Break it Down

Robin S. Sharma said,

“One of the fastest ways to find the solution to an issue or challenge you are facing is to ask the right questions.”

An idea usually comes with complexity and makes it harder to realize. How can it happen? The answer is we try to answer all the questions before identifying what the main problem is.

Here is an example, you want to write an article about how to start an online business. Before you try to write, answer the following questions.

  • Who is your target audience? Things to remember is to know and consider your target audience
  • What is your goal by writing the article? Write down your goals and check its relevance to your target audience
  • Can you specify the online business type? Because translation service business online is different from selling an electronic product
  • Exactly, what do you want to explain to your readers? Is it about your marketing methods, business process, or something else

You can continue by finding the right questions, one by one. It’s hard to answer all of your questions in one go. But it’s easier to answer by simplifying your ideas. In the end, the two go hand in hand, simplifying ideas by simplifying questions.

Decluttering, it is Working

Mario Kondo said,

The best way to find out what we really need is to get rid of what we don’t.”

Where do complex ideas come from? Usually, it comes because we want to answer many User pains at once. In fact, it is possible that the answer can be very simple. only one and focus on the main problem.

That’s why we need to understand the essence of nuance and clutter. If there’s any helpful nuance, there’s a nuance that will become clutter. How can we identify it? The answer is take a look at your target audience and answer their problems with an insightful idea.

Clarity Moment, Excellent Document

Billy said,

Clarity is power. The more clear you are about what you want, the more likely you are to achieve it.”

Now you’ve gathered the required information, take a seat. Get your pen and paper ready or electrical gadgets. Rewrite the ideas, following questions and answers that you’ve been thinking about. Don’t forget to bring clarity into your notes. How to do it?

Here are some useful tips for you.

  1. Simplicity is easy to do if you know the essence of your ideas.
  • Identify your subject, example your idea is about online English translation business
  • Identify your point, how to start online English translation business as a side hustle
  • Identify your outline, break it down your questions and answers to get a basic structure of your writing

2. Simplicity is about how to deliver your message right to your target audience. The more simple sentences you’ve written, the more likely they will get your message.

  • Use more active sentences
  • Keep it as a short statement
  • Use a familiar word, related to your target audience
  • Use punctuation properly
  • A picture is worth a thousand words, if it is better displayed in the form of visual illustrations or data, just do it

Get a Feedback Attack

Bill Gates said,

We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.”

Last but not least, let’s hear opinions from people unfamiliar with your ideas. Get to know their level of understanding of your ideas. Take a note of their feedback. By hearing their feedback, you will be able to see from a different perspective. Foila, you will realize what you didn’t notice before.

Congrats, you’ve made this so far. You may thank me later for this conclusion. When we’re able to document things, it will help to think well and convey our complex ideas.

