Prioritize Tasks with Eisenhower Matrix at Jira

Misbakhul Mustofin Technology
3 min readOct 30, 2022

When we have a lot of tasks, we create a to-do list to organize them. But when it’s overloaded and we’re confused about where to start, we often end up stressed and procrastinating. To tackle this, it is important for us to prioritize, and Eisenhower Matrix is one of tool for prioritizing.

The Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix helps us visualize all our tasks in an urgent/important matrix.

Urgent means tasks that require immediate action. This will have a bad impact if we don’t do it as soon as possible.

Important means that tasks have an impact on our lives and careers. So, important is subjective. This requires our specific skill set.

Implement Eisenhower Matrix in Jira

The key in Eisenhower Matrix implementation in jira is about defining “urgent” & “important”. Once we can define it, we can prioritize our tasks more easily.


To define “urgent”, there are several options. We can use the “due date” field to choose which tasks require immediate action.

Besides using “due date” field, we can also use the “Priority” field.


To define “important”, we can fill in the “task description” with task objectives and technical requirements. By knowing the goals and technical requirements, we can find out how the task related to our specific skill set & career. So we can judge, better if we do it ourselves, or delegate it.*Dh01nFUI6XcSl6oK5qdbrg.png

If we get clear information about the urgency and importance of our task, we can assess which tasks we have to do, which tasks we can delegate, which tasks can be scheduled, and which tasks can be deleted.


When we get a task, then make sure we have assessed the urgency and importance of the task before starting to work on it. Once we prioritize tasks well, we will avoid stress and procrastination.


